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2024-07-27 12:28:59, GGRNA : RefSeq release 224 (May, 2024)



Matches are highlighted with green background. Overlapping matches are dark colored.

Homo sapiens claudin 2 (CLDN2), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (3163 bp)
Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from AF177340.1, AK075405.1 and AA973123.1. Summary: This gene product belongs to the claudin protein family whose members have been identified as major integral membrane proteins localized exclusively at tight junctions. Claudins are expressed in an organ-specific manner and regulate tissue-specific physiologic properties of tight junctions. This protein is expressed in the intestine. Alternatively spliced transcript variants with different 5' untranslated region...
Synonym: claudin-2; OAZON
NM_001171092.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens claudin 2 (CLDN2), transcript variant 3, mRNA. (2921 bp)
This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from AK312515.1, AK075405.1 and AA973123.1. On Aug 13, 2020 this sequence version replaced NM_001171095.1. Summary: This gene product belongs to the claudin protein family whose members have been identified as major integral membrane proteins localized exclusively at tight junctions. Claudins are expressed in an organ-specific manner and regulate tissue-specific physiologic properties of tight junctions. This protein is expressed in the intestine. Alternatively spliced transcript variants with different 5'...
Synonym: claudin-2; OAZON
NM_001171095.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens claudin 2 (CLDN2), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (2961 bp)
was derived from DA743944.1, AK075405.1 and AA973123.1. This sequence is a reference standard in the RefSeqGene project. On Jun 2, 2019 this sequence version replaced NM_020384.3. Summary: This gene product belongs to the claudin protein family whose members have been identified as major integral membrane proteins localized exclusively at tight junctions. Claudins are expressed in an organ-specific manner and regulate tissue-specific physiologic properties of tight junctions. This protein is expressed in the intestine. Alternatively spliced transcript variants with different 5' untranslated...
Synonym: claudin-2; OAZON
NM_020384.4 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens claudin 7 (CLDN7), transcript variant 3, mRNA. (1457 bp)
Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from CV575841.1, AC003688.1 and BC071844.1. On Aug 14, 2020 this sequence version replaced NM_001185023.1. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are integral membrane proteins and components of tight junction strands. Tight junction strands serve as a physical barrier to prevent solutes and water from passing freely through the paracellular space between epithelial or endothelial cell sheets, and also play critical roles in maintaining...
Synonym: CEPTRL2; claudin-1; CLDN-7; CPETRL2; Hs.84359
NM_001185023.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens claudin 7 (CLDN7), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (1462 bp)
Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from AC003688.1, AJ011497.1 and BC071844.1. On Aug 14, 2020 this sequence version replaced NM_001185022.1. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are integral membrane proteins and components of tight junction strands. Tight junction strands serve as a physical barrier to prevent solutes and water from passing freely through the paracellular space between epithelial or endothelial cell sheets, and also play critical roles in maintaining...
Synonym: CEPTRL2; claudin-1; CLDN-7; CPETRL2; Hs.84359
NM_001185022.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens claudin 7 (CLDN7), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (1542 bp)
Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from CV575841.1, AC003688.1 and BC071844.1. On Nov 23, 2018 this sequence version replaced NM_001307.5. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are integral membrane proteins and components of tight junction strands. Tight junction strands serve as a physical barrier to prevent solutes and water from passing freely through the paracellular space between epithelial or endothelial cell sheets, and also play critical roles in maintaining...
Synonym: CEPTRL2; claudin-1; CLDN-7; CPETRL2; Hs.84359
NM_001307.6 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Canis lupus familiaris claudin 3 (CLDN3), mRNA. (1006 bp)
AF358908.1, SRR10915302.2005862.1 [ECO:0000345] ##Evidence-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1006 /organism="Canis lupus familiaris" /mol_type="mRNA" /sub_species="familiaris" /db_xref="taxon:9615" /chromosome="6" /map="6" gene 1..1006 /gene="CLDN3" /gene_synonym="Claudin-3" /note="claudin 3" /db_xref="GeneID:403648" /db_xref="VGNC:VGNC:39319" exon 1..1006 /gene="CLDN3" /gene_synonym="Claudin-3" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" misc_feature 56..58 /gene="CLDN3" /gene_synonym="Claudin-3" /note="upstream in-frame stop codon" CDS 209..865 /gene="CLDN3" /gene_synonym="Claudin...
Synonym: Claudin-3
NM_001003088.1 - Canis lupus familiaris (dog) - NCBI
Mus musculus claudin 11 (Cldn11), mRNA. (1872 bp)
Murinae; Mus; Mus. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from BY110541.1, AK005088.1 and BB798247.1. On Aug 10, 2010 this sequence version replaced NM_008770.2. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are integral membrane proteins and components of tight junction strands. Tight junction strands serve as a physical barrier to prevent solutes and water from passing freely through the paracellular space between epithelial or endothelial cell sheets, and also play critical roles in maintaining...
Synonym: Claudin-11; Claudin11; Osp; Otm
NM_008770.3 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Pongo abelii claudin 12 (CLDN12), mRNA. (3502 bp)
RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns SAMN07839603 [ECO:0000348] ##Evidence-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..3502 /organism="Pongo abelii" /mol_type="mRNA" /db_xref="taxon:9601" /chromosome="6" /map="6" gene 1..3502 /gene="CLDN12" /gene_synonym="Claudin-12" /note="claudin 12" /db_xref="GeneID:100174503" misc_feature 181..183 /gene="CLDN12" /gene_synonym="Claudin-12" /note="upstream in-frame stop codon" CDS 208..942 /gene="CLDN12" /gene_synonym="Claudin-12" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-12" /protein_id="NP_001127432.1" /db_xref="GeneID:100174503" /translation...
Synonym: Claudin-12
NM_001133960.1 - Pongo abelii (Sumatran orangutan) - NCBI
Xenopus tropicalis claudin 3 (cldn3), mRNA. (2814 bp)
CDS 352..993 /gene="cldn3" /gene_synonym="claudin-3; cpe-r2; cpetr2; hrvp1; rvp1" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-3" /protein_id="NP_001005709.1" /db_xref="GeneID:448229" /db_xref="Xenbase:XB-GENE-972426" /translation="MSMGLEILGVALSIVGWLGTVISCALPMWRVTAFIGNNIVVAQTIWEGLWMNCVVQSTGQMQCKMYDSLLALPQDLQAARALMVISIVIAVLGVLISIIGAKCTNCVQDESAKAKIMIVSGVIFILSGLMTLIPVSWSANTIIRDFYNPLVVDAQKRELGSSMYIGWAASALLMLGGAMLCCSCPPKEKYPTSRVAYSAARSTNPGYDRKDYV" misc_feature 358..891 /gene="cldn3" /gene_synonym="claudin-3; cpe-r2; cpetr2; hrvp1; rvp1" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db...
Synonym: claudin-3; cpe-r2; cpetr2; hrvp1; rvp1
NM_001005709.1 - Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) - NCBI
Canis lupus familiaris claudin 2 (CLDN2), mRNA. (953 bp)
AF358907.1, SRR10915301.2076305.1 [ECO:0000345] ##Evidence-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..953 /organism="Canis lupus familiaris" /mol_type="mRNA" /sub_species="familiaris" /db_xref="taxon:9615" /chromosome="X" /map="X" gene 1..953 /gene="CLDN2" /gene_synonym="Claudin-2" /note="claudin 2" /db_xref="GeneID:403649" /db_xref="VGNC:VGNC:39316" exon 1..953 /gene="CLDN2" /gene_synonym="Claudin-2" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" CDS 59..751 /gene="CLDN2" /gene_synonym="Claudin-2" /note="localizes to tight junctions; integral membrane protein claudin-2" /codon_start=1 /product="...
Synonym: Claudin-2
NM_001003089.1 - Canis lupus familiaris (dog) - NCBI
Xenopus tropicalis claudin 5 (transmembrane protein deleted in velocardiofacial syndrome) (cldn5), mRNA. (2593 bp)
gene="cldn5" /gene_synonym="awal; bec1; claudin-5; cpetrl1; tmvcf" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-5" /protein_id="NP_001006707.1" /db_xref="GeneID:448343" /db_xref="Xenbase:XB-GENE-976044" /translation="MASAAIEILGLSLSILGWVGVILACGLPMWQVSAFIENNIVVAQIIWEGLWMSCVVQSTGQMQCKVYDSILALSQELQAGRALTVMASIVGLIGLLVTIVGAKCTNCLQGNSAKGRVLLAGGVIYILCGILVLIPLCWIANIIITEFYDPRVPASQKREMGAALYVGWAATALLLLGGSLLCCSFAMKDGISNLPVKYSAPRMPTSNGDYDKKNYV" misc_feature 179..676 /gene="cldn5" /gene_synonym="awal; bec1; claudin-5; cpetrl1; tmvcf" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_xref="CDD...
Synonym: awal; bec1; claudin-5; cpetrl1; tmvcf
NM_001006706.1 - Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) - NCBI
Bos taurus claudin 12 (CLDN12), mRNA. (3522 bp)
LOCUS NM_001076123 3522 bp mRNA linear MAM 03-APR-2024 DEFINITION Bos taurus claudin 12 (CLDN12), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_001076123 XM_582151 VERSION NM_001076123.2 KEYWORDS RefSeq. SOURCE Bos taurus (cattle) ORGANISM Bos taurus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Laurasiatheria; Artiodactyla; Ruminantia; Pecora; Bovidae; Bovinae; Bos. REFERENCE COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from NKLS022.1. On Feb 8, 2024 this sequence version replaced NM_001076123.1. ##...
Synonym: claudin-12
NM_001076123.2 - Bos taurus (cattle) - NCBI
Rattus norvegicus claudin 19 (Cldn19), mRNA. (1626 bp)
gene="Cldn19" /gene_synonym="claudin-19" /note="upstream in-frame stop codon" CDS 85..720 /gene="Cldn19" /gene_synonym="claudin-19" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-19" /protein_id="NP_001008514.1" /db_xref="GeneID:298487" /db_xref="RGD:1305000" /translation="MANSGLQLLGYFLALGGWVGIIASTALPQWKQSSYAGDAIITAVGLYEGLWMSCASQSTGQVQCKLYDSLLALDGHIQSARALMVVAVLLGFVAMVLSVVGMKCTRVGDSNPTAKGRVAISGGALFLLAGLCTLTAVSWYATLVTQEFFNPSTPVNARYEFGPALFVGWASAGLAILGGSFLCCTCPEPERANSIPQPYRSGPSTAAREYV" misc_feature 94..630 /gene="Cldn19" /gene_synonym="claudin-19" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin;...
Synonym: claudin-19
NM_001008514.1 - Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
PREDICTED: Rattus norvegicus claudin 19 (Cldn19), transcript variant X1, mRNA. (3590 bp)
xref="RGD:1305000" CDS 426..1100 /gene="Cldn19" /gene_synonym="claudin-19" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-19 isoform X1" /protein_id="XP_006238818.1" /db_xref="GeneID:298487" /db_xref="RGD:1305000" /translation="MANSGLQLLGYFLALGGWVGIIASTALPQWKQSSYAGDAIITAVGLYEGLWMSCASQSTGQVQCKLYDSLLALDGHIQSARALMVVAVLLGFVAMVLSVVGMKCTRVGDSNPTAKGRVAISGGALFLLAGLCTLTAVSWYATLVTQEFFNPSTPVNARYEFGPALFVGWASAGLAILGGSFLCCTCPEPERANSIPQPYRSGPSTAAREPVVKLSTSVKGPLGV" misc_feature 435..971 /gene="Cldn19" /gene_synonym="claudin-19" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_xref="CDD:473919"...
Synonym: claudin-19
XM_006238756.5 - Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (2194 bp)
misc_feature 257..319 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9CQX5.1); transmembrane region" misc_feature 293..946 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_xref="CDD:473919" misc_feature 368..370 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. /evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:19349973; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9CQX5.1); glycosylation site" misc_feature...
Synonym: 1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25
NM_171826.3 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), transcript variant 6, mRNA. (2209 bp)
misc_feature 272..334 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9CQX5.1); transmembrane region" misc_feature 308..961 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_xref="CDD:473919" misc_feature 383..385 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. /evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:19349973; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9CQX5.1); glycosylation site" misc_feature...
Synonym: 1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25
NM_001356488.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Gallus gallus claudin 3 (CLDN3), mRNA. (1175 bp)
gene="CLDN3" /gene_synonym="claudin-3" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" CDS 87..731 /gene="CLDN3" /gene_synonym="claudin-3" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-3" /protein_id="NP_989533.1" /db_xref="CGNC:49012" /db_xref="GeneID:374029" /translation="MSMGLEIGGVALSVLGWLCSIICCALPMWRVTAFIGNNIVTAQIIWEGLWMNCVVQSTGQMQCKVYDSMLALPQDLQAARALLVVAIVLAVLGLMVAIVGAQCTRCVEDETTKAKITIVSGVIFLLSGIMTLIPVSWSANTIIRDFYNPLVIDAQKRELGTSLYVGWAASALLLFGGALLCCSCPPKDERYAPSKVAYSAPRSAVTSYDKRNYV" misc_feature 93..593 /gene="CLDN3" /gene_synonym="claudin-3" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /...
Synonym: claudin-3
NM_204202.2 - Gallus gallus (chicken) - NCBI - UCSC
PREDICTED: Homo sapiens claudin 2 (CLDN2), transcript variant X1, mRNA. (2904 bp)
CDS 272..964 /gene="CLDN2" /gene_synonym="claudin-2; OAZON" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-2 isoform X1" /protein_id="XP_054184059.1" /db_xref="GeneID:9075" /db_xref="HGNC:HGNC:2041" /db_xref="MIM:300520" /translation="MASLGLQLVGYILGLLGLLGTLVAMLLPSWKTSSYVGASIVTAVGFSKGLWMECATHSTGITQCDIYSTLLGLPADIQAAQAMMVTSSAISSLACIISVVGMRCTVFCQESRAKDRVAVAGGVFFILGGLLGFIPVAWNLHGILRDFYSPLVPDSMKFEIGEALYLGIISSLFSLIAGIILCFSCSSQRNRSNYYDAYQAQPLATRSSPRPGQPPKVKSEFNSYSLTGYV" misc_feature 338..814 /gene="CLDN2" /gene_synonym="claudin-2; OAZON" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_...
Synonym: claudin-2; OAZON
XM_054328084.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
PREDICTED: Homo sapiens claudin 2 (CLDN2), transcript variant X2, mRNA. (3124 bp)
CDS 492..1184 /gene="CLDN2" /gene_synonym="claudin-2; OAZON" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-2 isoform X1" /protein_id="XP_054184060.1" /db_xref="GeneID:9075" /db_xref="HGNC:HGNC:2041" /db_xref="MIM:300520" /translation="MASLGLQLVGYILGLLGLLGTLVAMLLPSWKTSSYVGASIVTAVGFSKGLWMECATHSTGITQCDIYSTLLGLPADIQAAQAMMVTSSAISSLACIISVVGMRCTVFCQESRAKDRVAVAGGVFFILGGLLGFIPVAWNLHGILRDFYSPLVPDSMKFEIGEALYLGIISSLFSLIAGIILCFSCSSQRNRSNYYDAYQAQPLATRSSPRPGQPPKVKSEFNSYSLTGYV" misc_feature 558..1034 /gene="CLDN2" /gene_synonym="claudin-2; OAZON" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_...
Synonym: claudin-2; OAZON
XM_054328085.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Gallus gallus claudin 10 (CLDN10), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (843 bp)
variant 2" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-10 isoform 2 precursor" /protein_id="NP_001264697.1" /db_xref="CGNC:13756" /db_xref="GeneID:418790" /translation="MASTSAEIVAFLLTISGWVLVSSTLPTDYWKVSSIDGTVITTATFWANLWKTCVTDSTGVSNCKDFPSMLALDARIACLAGLIFILCGLCSMTGCSLYAHRITSEFFDPSFVAQKYELGAALFIGWAGASLCIIGGSIFCFSIAENSKSPRRAYAYNGAASVMSSRTKIHNSVPDKTSPKHFDKNAYV" sig_peptide 11..79 /gene="CLDN10" /gene_synonym="claudin-10" /inference="COORDINATES: ab initio prediction:SignalP:4.0" misc_feature 29..427 /gene="CLDN10" /gene_synonym="claudin-10" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin;...
Synonym: claudin-10
NM_001277768.1 - Gallus gallus (chicken) - NCBI - UCSC
PREDICTED: Mus musculus claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), transcript variant X1, mRNA. (2053 bp)
Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin domain-containing protein 1 isoform X1" /protein_id="XP_011244188.1" /db_xref="GeneID:224250" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:2447860" /translation="MDNRFATAFVIACVLSLISTIYMAASIGTDFWYEYRSPIQENSSDSNKIAWEDFLGDEADEKTYNDVLFRYNGSLGLWRRCITIPKNTHWYAPPERTESFDVVTKCMSFTLNEQFMEKYVDPGNHNSGIDLLRTCLCTLGSVSCYVAGIELLHQKVELPKDVSGEFGWSFCLACVSAPLQFMAAALFIWAAHTNRKEYTLMKAYRVA" misc_feature <627..809 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_...
Synonym: 1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25
XM_011245886.4 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (2187 bp)
protein 1; claudin 25" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin domain-containing protein 1 isoform 2" /protein_id="NP_001239379.1" /db_xref="GeneID:224250" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:2447860" /translation="MGGDRLENKTSVSVASWSSLNARMDNRFATAFVIACVLSLISTIYMAASIGTDFWYEYRSPIQENSSDSNKIAWEDFLGDEADEKTYNDVLFRYNGSLGLWRRCITIPKNTHWYAPPERTESFDVVTKCMSFTLNEQFMEKYVDPGNHNSGIDLLRTYLWRCQFLLPFVSLGLMCFGALIGLCACICRSLYPTLATGILHLLAGLCTLGSVSCYVAGIELLHQKVELPKDVSGEFGWSFCLACVSAPLQFMAAALFIWAAHTNRKEYTLMKAYRVA" misc_feature 286..939 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region...
Synonym: 1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25
NM_001252450.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Gallus gallus claudin 10 (CLDN10), transcript variant 3, mRNA. (741 bp)
gene_synonym="claudin-10" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" CDS 123..659 /gene="CLDN10" /gene_synonym="claudin-10" /note="isoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant 3" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-10 isoform 3" /protein_id="NP_001264698.1" /db_xref="CGNC:13756" /db_xref="GeneID:418790" /translation="MNCAGNALGAFHCRPHLTIFKVEGYIQACRGLMISAVCLGFFGSVFGLVGMKCTKIGGSDQNKARIACLAGLIFILCGLCSMTGCSLYAHRITSEFFDPSFVAQKYELGAALFIGWAGASLCIIGGSIFCFSIAENSKSPRRAYAYNGAASVMSSRTKIHNSVPDKTSPKHFDKNAYV" misc_feature <180..509 /gene="CLDN10" /gene_synonym="claudin-10" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region:...
Synonym: claudin-10
NM_001277769.2 - Gallus gallus (chicken) - NCBI - UCSC
PREDICTED: Pan troglodytes claudin 11 (CLDN11), transcript variant X1, mRNA. (1873 bp)
LOCUS XM_009446623 1873 bp mRNA linear PRI 13-MAR-2024 DEFINITION PREDICTED: Pan troglodytes claudin 11 (CLDN11), transcript variant X1, mRNA. ACCESSION XM_009446623 VERSION XM_009446623.5 DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA945513 KEYWORDS RefSeq. SOURCE Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) ORGANISM Pan troglodytes Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Pan. COMMENT MODEL REFSEQ: This record is predicted by automated computational analysis. This record is derived from a genomic sequence (NC_086015)...
Synonym: claudin-11
XM_009446623.5 - Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) - NCBI
Mus musculus claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), transcript variant 3, mRNA. (2049 bp)
variant 3; claudin domain-containing protein 1; claudin 25" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin domain-containing protein 1 isoform 3" /protein_id="NP_001239380.1" /db_xref="GeneID:224250" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:2447860" /translation="MGGDRLENKTSVSVASWSSLNARMDNRFATAFVIACVLSLISTIYMAASIGTDFWYEYRSPIQENSSDSNKIAWEDFLGDEADEKTYNDVLFRYNGSLGLWRRCITIPKNTHWYAPPERTESFDVVTKCMSFTLNEQFMEKYVDPGNHNSGIDLLRTCLCTLGSVSCYVAGIELLHQKVELPKDVSGEFGWSFCLACVSAPLQFMAAALFIWAAHTNRKEYTLMKAYRVA" misc_feature <616..798 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_...
Synonym: 1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25
NM_001252451.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Gallus gallus claudin 10 (CLDN10), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (971 bp)
product="claudin-10 isoform 1 precursor" /protein_id="NP_001264696.1" /db_xref="CGNC:13756" /db_xref="GeneID:418790" /translation="MASTSAEIVAFLLTISGWVLVSSTLPTDYWKVSSIDGTVITTATFWANLWKTCVTDSTGVSNCKDFPSMLALDGYIQACRGLMISAVCLGFFGSVFGLVGMKCTKIGGSDQNKARIACLAGLIFILCGLCSMTGCSLYAHRITSEFFDPSFVAQKYELGAALFIGWAGASLCIIGGSIFCFSIAENSKSPRRAYAYNGAASVMSSRTKIHNSVPDKTSPKHFDKNAYV" sig_peptide 24..92 /gene="CLDN10" /gene_synonym="claudin-10" /inference="COORDINATES: ab initio prediction:SignalP:4.0" misc_feature 42..560 /gene="CLDN10" /gene_synonym="claudin-10" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_...
Synonym: claudin-10
NM_001277767.2 - Gallus gallus (chicken) - NCBI - UCSC
PREDICTED: Pongo abelii claudin 12 (CLDN12), transcript variant X1, mRNA. (3560 bp)
Annotation Date :: 02/27/2024 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..3560 /organism="Pongo abelii" /mol_type="mRNA" /isolate="AG06213" /db_xref="taxon:9601" /chromosome="6" /sex="male" /tissue_type="fibroblast" gene 1..3560 /gene="CLDN12" /gene_synonym="Claudin-12" /note="claudin 12; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Gnomon. Supporting evidence includes similarity to: 1 mRNA, 107 long SRA reads, 9 Proteins" /db_xref="GeneID:100174503" CDS 278..1012 /gene="CLDN12" /gene_synonym="Claudin-12" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin...
Synonym: Claudin-12
XM_054559084.2 - Pongo abelii (Sumatran orangutan) - NCBI
Mus musculus claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), transcript variant 4, non-coding RNA. (2143 bp)
08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 486..596 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 597..734 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 735..2143 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2143) AUTHORS Ohnishi M, Ochiai H, Matsuoka K, Akagi M, Nakayama Y, Shima A, Uda A, Matsuoka H, Kamishikiryo J, Michihara A and Inoue A. TITLE Claudin domain...
Synonym: 1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25
NR_045517.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin 16 (Cldn16), mRNA. (1173 bp)
claudin 16 (Cldn16), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_053241 VERSION NM_053241.5 KEYWORDS RefSeq; RefSeq Select. SOURCE Mus musculus (house mouse) ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from AK085268.1 and AK085333.1. On Aug 11, 2010 this sequence version replaced NM_053241.4. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins...
Synonym: claudin-16; PCLN1
NM_053241.5 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin domain containing 1 (Cldnd1), transcript variant 5, non-coding RNA. (2005 bp)
exon 176..485 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 486..596 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 597..2005 /gene="Cldnd1" /gene_synonym="1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2005) AUTHORS Ohnishi M, Ochiai H, Matsuoka K, Akagi M, Nakayama Y, Shima A, Uda A, Matsuoka H, Kamishikiryo J, Michihara A and Inoue A. TITLE Claudin domain containing 1 contributing to endothelial cell adhesion...
Synonym: 1110019C08Rik; claudin-25; Cldn25
NR_045518.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Danio rerio claudin 7b (cldn7b), mRNA. (1976 bp)
synonym="cb388; claudin7; cldn7; fd19f08; wu:fd19f08" /note="claudin-like protein ZF4A22; claudin-7" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-7-B" /protein_id="NP_571712.1" /db_xref="GeneID:60635" /db_xref="ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-001103-5" /translation="MAHKGLQLLGFTLSLLGLIGLIIGTIMPQWKMSAYVGDNIITAIAMYQGLWMSCAYQSTGQQQCKVYDSVLQLDSALQATRALMVVAILLTVAGLGVASMGMKCTNCGGDDKVKKSRIAMTGGIILSVGALCSIVACGWFTSQIIRDFYNPFTPVNTKYEFGAAIFIAWAGAFLDIMGGGMLASSCSKGQSSPNYPKSSRPVKSSRPPSSSKEYV" misc_feature 190..726 /gene="cldn7b" /gene_synonym="cb388; claudin7; cldn7; fd19f08; wu:fd19f08" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region:...
Synonym: cb388; claudin7; cldn7; fd19f08; wu:fd19f08
NM_131637.2 - Danio rerio (zebrafish) - NCBI - UCSC
Ictalurus punctatus claudin 15-like b (cldn15lb), mRNA. (1765 bp)
sample supports all introns SAMN00739092, SAMN00774075 [ECO:0000348] ##Evidence-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1765 /organism="Ictalurus punctatus" /mol_type="mRNA" /db_xref="taxon:7998" /chromosome="17" /map="17" gene 1..1765 /gene="cldn15lb" /gene_synonym="Claudin-10; CLDN10; CLDN26" /note="claudin 15-like b" /db_xref="GeneID:108278410" exon 1..879 /gene="cldn15lb" /gene_synonym="Claudin-10; CLDN10; CLDN26" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" misc_feature 810..812 /gene="cldn15lb" /gene_synonym="Claudin-10; CLDN10; CLDN26" /note="upstream in-frame stop codon" exon...
Synonym: Claudin-10; CLDN10; CLDN26
NM_001329305.1 - Ictalurus punctatus (channel catfish) - NCBI
Mus musculus claudin 25 (Cldn25), mRNA. (786 bp)
Gm16492; Gm513" /note="claudin 21, pseudogene; claudin 25, pseudogene" /codon_start=1 /product="putative claudin-25" /protein_id="NP_001371194.1" /db_xref="GeneID:100042785" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:3642767" /translation="MACSFRGRVQLGGLLLSVLGWVCSCVTTVLPQWKTLTLDLNEMETWVSGLWEACVNQEEAGTVCKAFESFLSLPQELQVARILMVASHGLGLLGLLLSSCGLECFRFHRPGGVFKTRLCLLGGTLEASASATTLFPVSWVAYATFQDFWDDSIPEIVPRWEFGDALFLGWAAGLFLAVGGLLLIFSACLENEDGSSSWMADATAPQACAPVEEEFDGSFHLTPRPVNQVI" misc_feature 124..597 /gene="Cldn25" /gene_synonym="Cldn21; Cldn21-ps; Cldn25-ps; Gm16492; Gm513" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_...
Synonym: Cldn21; Cldn21-ps; Cldn25-ps; Gm16492; Gm513
NM_001384265.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Rattus norvegicus claudin 4 (Cldn4), mRNA. (1824 bp)
gene="Cldn4" /note="upstream in-frame stop codon" CDS 192..824 /gene="Cldn4" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-4" /protein_id="NP_001012022.1" /db_xref="GeneID:304407" /db_xref="RGD:1307932" /translation="MASMGLQVLGISLAVLGWLGVILSCSLPMWRVTAFIGSNIVTAQTSWEGLWMNCVVQSTGQMQCKMYDSMLALPQDLQAARALMVISIIVGALGMLLSVVGGKCTNCMEDETVKAKVMITAGAVFIVASMLIMVPVSWTAHNVIRDFYNPLVASGQKREMGASLYIGWAASGLLLLGGGLLCCNCPPRRNEKPYSAKYSAARSVPASNYV" misc_feature 201..701 /gene="Cldn4" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_xref="CDD:473919" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1824) AUTHORS Ren Q,...
NM_001012022.1 - Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin 17 (Cldn17), mRNA. (1172 bp)
musculus claudin 17 (Cldn17), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_181490 VERSION NM_181490.3 KEYWORDS RefSeq; RefSeq Select. SOURCE Mus musculus (house mouse) ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from AK048287.1. On Apr 5, 2007 this sequence version replaced NM_181490.2. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are...
NM_181490.3 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin 24 (Cldn24), mRNA. (663 bp)
Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from CH466554.1. On Dec 14, 2007 this sequence version replaced XM_001473536.1. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are integral membrane proteins and components of tight junction strands. Tight junction strands serve as a physical barrier to prevent solutes and water from passing freely through the paracellular space between epithelial or endothelial cell sheets, and also play critical roles in...
Synonym: Gm10107
NM_001111318.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Mus musculus claudin 20 (Cldn20), mRNA. (660 bp)
Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from CH466633.1. On or before Oct 13, 2007 this sequence version replaced XM_904536.1, XM_888581.1. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the claudin family. Claudins are integral membrane proteins and components of tight junction strands. Tight junction strands serve as a physical barrier to prevent solutes and water from passing freely through the paracellular space between epithelial or endothelial cell sheets, and also play critical roles in...
Synonym: EG621628
NM_001101560.1 - Mus musculus (house mouse) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
PREDICTED: Solea solea claudin-4-like (LOC131462347), mRNA. (2033 bp)
XM_058633465.1 - Solea solea (common sole) - NCBI
PREDICTED: Acipenser ruthenus claudin-3-like (LOC117429232), transcript variant X2, mRNA. (2125 bp)
XM_058998101.1 - Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet) - NCBI
Rattus norvegicus claudin 3 (Cldn3), mRNA. (1501 bp)
stop codon" CDS 441..1100 /gene="Cldn3" /note="RVP1; ventral prostate.1 protein" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-3" /protein_id="NP_113888.2" /db_xref="GeneID:65130" /db_xref="RGD:68425" /translation="MSMGLEITGTSLAVLGWLCTIVCCALPMWRVSAFIGSSIITAQITWEGLWMNCVVQSTGQMQCKMYDSLLALPQDLQAARALIVVSILLAAFGLLVALVGAQCTNCVQDETAKAKITIVAGVLFLLAAVLTLVPVSWSANTIIRDFYNPLVPEAQKREMGTGLYVGWAAAALQLLGGALLCCSCPPREKYAPTKILYSAPRSTGPGTGTGTAYDRKDYV" misc_feature 447..941 /gene="Cldn3" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_Claudin; cl21598" /db_xref="CDD:473919" misc_feature 465..527 /gene="Cldn3" /note="...
NM_031700.2 - Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
PREDICTED: Acipenser ruthenus claudin-4-like (LOC117964231), mRNA. (2444 bp)
XM_058998105.1 - Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet) - NCBI
PREDICTED: Acipenser ruthenus claudin-4-like (LOC131701712), mRNA. (3819 bp)
XM_059001351.1 - Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet) - NCBI
PREDICTED: Hemibagrus wyckioides claudin-4-like (LOC131370849), mRNA. (1287 bp)
XM_058418377.1 - Hemibagrus wyckioides - NCBI
PREDICTED: Hemibagrus wyckioides claudin-4-like (LOC131369125), mRNA. (1376 bp)
XM_058415586.1 - Hemibagrus wyckioides - NCBI
PREDICTED: Hemibagrus wyckioides claudin-4-like (LOC131369446), mRNA. (1726 bp)
XM_058416094.1 - Hemibagrus wyckioides - NCBI
Gallus gallus claudin 5 (CLDN5), mRNA. (1752 bp)
gene="CLDN5" /note="claudin 5" /db_xref="CGNC:49011" /db_xref="GeneID:374028" exon 1..1752 /gene="CLDN5" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" CDS 90..740 /gene="CLDN5" /codon_start=1 /product="claudin-5" /protein_id="NP_989532.1" /db_xref="CGNC:49011" /db_xref="GeneID:374028" /translation="MASAAVEILGLGLGILGWVGVILACGLPMWQVSAFIDVNIVVAQTIWEGLWMNCVVQSTGQMQCKVYDSILALRPEVQAGRALTVIVALLGLVALMVTVVGAQCTNCIRPGKMKSRIVIAGGTIYILCGVLVLVPLCWFANIVISDFYDPSVPPSQKREIGAALYIGWAATALLLFGGCLICCCSCLQRDETSFPVKYSAPRRPTSSGEYDKKNYV" misc_feature 177..629 /gene="CLDN5" /note="PMP-22/EMP/MP20/Claudin family; Region: PMP22_...
NM_204201.2 - Gallus gallus (chicken) - NCBI - UCSC
PREDICTED: Solea solea claudin-4-like (LOC131462346), mRNA. (1920 bp)
XM_058633464.1 - Solea solea (common sole) - NCBI
PREDICTED: Solea solea claudin-4-like (LOC131458340), mRNA. (2567 bp)
XM_058627374.1 - Solea solea (common sole) - NCBI
PREDICTED: Solea solea claudin-3-like (LOC131462345), mRNA. (1903 bp)
XM_058633463.1 - Solea solea (common sole) - NCBI

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0.242 | 0.124 | search_done;*:claudin)%7C(nt:claudin)%7C(aa:claudin))?to=49?from=0?snippet=full_search?drilldown=source?get=accession,version,gi,length,symbol,synonym,geneid,division,source,definition&format=json
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GGRNA ver.2 by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]