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2025-03-02 02:11:49, GGRNA : RefSeq release 228 (Jan, 2025)



Matches are highlighted with green background. Overlapping matches are dark colored.

Rattus norvegicus selenoprotein S (Selenos), mRNA. (1173 bp)
misc_feature 29..592 /gene="Selenos" /gene_synonym="Sels; sg2; Vimp" /note="Selenoprotein S (SelS); Region: Selenoprotein_S; pfam06936" /db_xref="CDD:462043" misc_feature 110..172 /gene="Selenos" /gene_synonym="Sels; sg2; Vimp" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8VHV8.3); transmembrane region" misc_feature 260..298 /gene="Selenos" /gene_synonym="Sels; sg2; Vimp" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8VHV8.3); Region: VCP/p97-interacting motif (VIM). /evidence=ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9BQE4" misc_feature 311..598 /gene="Selenos" /gene_synonym="Sels; sg2; Vimp" /note="propagated...
Synonym: Sels; sg2; Vimp
NM_173120.2 - Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Rattus norvegicus vimentin (Vim), mRNA. (1796 bp)
LOCUS NM_031140 1796 bp mRNA linear ROD 17-MAR-2024 DEFINITION Rattus norvegicus vimentin (Vim), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_031140 VERSION NM_031140.1 KEYWORDS RefSeq; RefSeq Select. SOURCE Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) ORGANISM Rattus norvegicus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus. REFERENCE COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from X62952.1. Publication Note: This RefSeq record...
NM_031140.1 - Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)

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lang : en | div : | spe : rn | query_string : symbol:VIM | format : html | download :

0.000 | 0.000 | search_start;
0.156 | 0.156 | count_done;,synonym:VIM)?source=Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)?to=0&format=json
0.251 | 0.095 | search_done;,synonym:VIM)?source=Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)?to=49?from=0?snippet=full_search?drilldown=source?get=accession,version,gi,length,symbol,synonym,geneid,division,source,definition&format=json
0.252 | 0.000 | cgi_end;

GGRNA ver.2 by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]