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2025-02-13 08:40:34, GGRNA : RefSeq release 227 (Nov, 2024)



Matches are highlighted with green background. Overlapping matches are dark colored.

Homo sapiens NANOG neighbor homeobox (NANOGNB), mRNA. (907 bp)
LOCUS NM_001145465 907 bp mRNA linear PRI 01-JUN-2024 DEFINITION Homo sapiens NANOG neighbor homeobox (NANOGNB), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_001145465 XR_040558 XR_040559 XR_040560 VERSION NM_001145465.1 KEYWORDS RefSeq; MANE Select. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from AY151139.1. On or before Mar...
NM_001145465.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens Nanog homeobox retrogene P8 (NANOGP8), mRNA. (1886 bp)
LOCUS NM_001355281 1886 bp mRNA linear PRI 04-AUG-2024 DEFINITION Homo sapiens Nanog homeobox retrogene P8 (NANOGP8), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_001355281 VERSION NM_001355281.2 KEYWORDS RefSeq; MANE Select. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from AC021231.8. On Dec 2, 2019 this sequence version replaced...
Synonym: NANOGP1; PN8
NM_001355281.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens Nanog homeobox (NANOG), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (5182 bp)
LOCUS NM_024865 5182 bp mRNA linear PRI 09-OCT-2024 DEFINITION Homo sapiens Nanog homeobox (NANOG), transcript variant 1, mRNA. ACCESSION NM_024865 VERSION NM_024865.4 KEYWORDS RefSeq; MANE Select. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from DC425336.1, AK290896.1, AC006517.46 and AI656990.1. On Nov 22, 2018 this...
NM_024865.4 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens Nanog homeobox (NANOG), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (2049 bp)
LOCUS NM_001297698 2049 bp mRNA linear PRI 11-OCT-2024 DEFINITION Homo sapiens Nanog homeobox (NANOG), transcript variant 2, mRNA. ACCESSION NM_001297698 XM_005253484 VERSION NM_001297698.2 KEYWORDS RefSeq. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from DC425336.1, AY578089.1, AC006517.46 and AI656990.1. On May 31, 2019...
NM_001297698.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens microRNA 4721 (MIR4721), microRNA. (89 bp)
MIR4721" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:777489248" variation 89 /gene="MIR4721" /replace="a" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:756076573" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 89) AUTHORS Zhao M, Tang Z, Wang Y, Ding J, Guo Y and Gao T. TITLE A direct negative feedback loop of miR-4721/FOXA1/Nanog promotes nasopharyngeal cell stem cell enrichment and metastasis JOURNAL J Transl Med 19 (1), 387 (2021) PUBMED 34503528 REMARK GeneRIF: A direct negative feedback loop of miR-4721/FOXA1/Nanog promotes nasopharyngeal cell stem cell enrichment and metastasis. Publication Status: Online-Only...
NR_039872.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens ephrin A4 (EFNA4), transcript variant 4, mRNA. (1207 bp)
PUBMED 33961781 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1207) AUTHORS Chen,Y.L., Yen,Y.C., Jang,C.W., Wang,S.H., Huang,H.T., Chen,C.H., Hsiao,J.R., Chang,J.Y. and Chen,Y.W. TITLE Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells JOURNAL Sci Rep 11 (1), 644 (2021) PUBMED 33436772 REMARK GeneRIF: Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 5...
Synonym: EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4
NM_001406810.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 19, non-coding RNA. (4953 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4953) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NR_182209.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 18, mRNA. (4703 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4703) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413754.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 17, mRNA. (4721 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4721) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413753.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 16, mRNA. (4829 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4829) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413752.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 15, mRNA. (4618 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4618) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413751.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 7, mRNA. (5234 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5234) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413743.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 6, mRNA. (5023 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5023) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413742.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 5, mRNA. (5279 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5279) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413741.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens microRNA let-7a-2 (MIRLET7A2), microRNA. (72 bp)
GeneRIF: Pre-miRNA Hsa-Let-7a-2: a Novel Intracellular Partner of Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor Negatively Regulating its Signals. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 72) AUTHORS Serej ZA, Ebrahimi A, Kazemi T, Najafi S, Amini M, Nastarin P, Baghbani E and Baradaran B. TITLE NANOG gene suppression and replacement of let-7 modulate the stemness, invasion, and apoptosis in breast cancer JOURNAL Gene 801, 145844 (2021) PUBMED 34274471 REMARK GeneRIF: NANOG gene suppression and replacement of let-7 modulate the stemness, invasion, and apoptosis in breast cancer. REFERENCE 4...
Synonym: let-7a-2; LET7A2; MIRNLET7A2
NR_029477.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 12, mRNA. (4642 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4642) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413748.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 14, mRNA. (4847 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4847) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413750.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 13, mRNA. (4853 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4853) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413749.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 11, mRNA. (4871 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4871) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413747.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 10, mRNA. (4949 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4949) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413746.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 9, mRNA. (4967 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4967) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413745.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 8, mRNA. (5015 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5015) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413744.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (5179 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5179) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413738.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 3, mRNA. (5384 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5384) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413739.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 4, mRNA. (5366 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5366) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_001413740.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens microRNA 630 (MIR630), microRNA. (97 bp)
REMARK GeneRIF: HIF-3alpha-Induced miR-630 Expression Promotes Cancer Hallmarks in Cervical Cancer Cells by Forming a Positive Feedback Loop. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 97) AUTHORS Chu,W.K., Hung,L.M., Hou,C.W. and Chen,J.K. TITLE MicroRNA 630 Represses NANOG Expression through Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Regulation in Human Embryonal Carcinoma Cells JOURNAL Int J Mol Sci 23 (1), 46 (2021) PUBMED 35008480 REMARK GeneRIF: MicroRNA 630 Represses NANOG Expression through Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Regulation in Human Embryonal Carcinoma...
Synonym: hsa-mir-630; MIRN630
NR_030359.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens developmental pluripotency associated 3 (DPPA3), mRNA. (1100 bp)
in serum depleted media. REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 1100) AUTHORS Blinka,S., Reimer,M.H. Jr., Pulakanti,K. and Rao,S. TITLE Super-Enhancers at the Nanog Locus Differentially Regulate Neighboring Pluripotency-Associated Genes JOURNAL Cell Rep 17 (1), 19-28 (2016) PUBMED 27681417 REMARK GeneRIF: Super-...AUTHORS Clark,A.T., Rodriguez,R.T., Bodnar,M.S., Abeyta,M.J., Cedars,M.I., Turek,P.J., Firpo,M.T. and Reijo Pera,R.A. TITLE Human STELLAR, NANOG, and GDF3 genes are expressed in pluripotent cells and map to chromosome 12p13, a hotspot for teratocarcinoma JOURNAL Stem Cells 22 (2), 169-179 (2004)...
Synonym: Pgc7; STELLA
NM_199286.4 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase, NIMA-interacting 1 (PIN1), transcript variant 3, non-coding RNA. (731 bp)
PUBMED 38386231 REMARK GeneRIF: PIN1 promotes the metastasis of cholangiocarcinoma cells by RACK1-mediated phosphorylation of ANXA2. REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 731) AUTHORS Ferreon,J.C., Ta,H.M., Yun,H., Choi,K.J., Quan,M.D., Tsoi,P.S., Kim,C., Lee,C.W. and Ferreon,A.C.M. TITLE Stereospecific NANOG PEST Stabilization by Pin1 JOURNAL Biochemistry 63 (9), 1067-1074 (2024) PUBMED 38619104 REMARK GeneRIF: Stereospecific NANOG PEST Stabilization by Pin1. REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 731) AUTHORS Mohallem,R. and Aryal,U.K. TITLE Nuclear Phosphoproteome Reveals Prolyl Isomerase PIN1 as a Modulator of...
Synonym: DOD; UBL5
NR_038830.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens CD44 divergent transcript (CD44-DT), long non-coding RNA. (1123 bp)
replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:1313146446" variation 1104 /gene="CD44-DT" /replace="a" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:1564975346" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1123) AUTHORS Ebrahimi N, Rezanejad H, Asadi MH and Vallian S. TITLE LncRNA LOC100507144 acts as a novel regulator of CD44/Nanog/Sox2/miR-302/miR-21 axis in colorectal cancer JOURNAL Biofactors 48 (1), 164-180 (2022) PUBMED 34882869 REMARK GeneRIF: LncRNA LOC100507144 acts as a novel regulator of CD44/Nanog/Sox2/miR-302/miR-21 axis in colorectal cancer. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1123) AUTHORS Oh JH, Yang JO, Hahn Y, Kim MR,...
NR_120528.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens developmental pluripotency associated 5 (DPPA5), mRNA. (659 bp)
in human pluripotent stem cells induces a functional naive-like state JOURNAL EMBO Rep 21 (10), e47533 (2020) PUBMED 33252195 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 659) AUTHORS Qian,X., Kim,J.K., Tong,W., Villa-Diaz,L.G. and Krebsbach,P.H. TITLE DPPA5 Supports Pluripotency and Reprogramming by Regulating NANOG Turnover JOURNAL Stem Cells 34 (3), 588-600 (2016) PUBMED 26661329 REMARK GeneRIF: Our study provides new insight into the function of DPPA5 and NANOG regulation in human pluripotent stem cell . REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 659) AUTHORS Aoki,T., Ohnishi,H., Oda,Y., Tadokoro,M., Sasao,M., Kato,H., Hattori,K...
Synonym: ESG1
NM_001025290.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase, NIMA-interacting 1 (PIN1), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (1009 bp)
PUBMED 38386231 REMARK GeneRIF: PIN1 promotes the metastasis of cholangiocarcinoma cells by RACK1-mediated phosphorylation of ANXA2. REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1009) AUTHORS Ferreon,J.C., Ta,H.M., Yun,H., Choi,K.J., Quan,M.D., Tsoi,P.S., Kim,C., Lee,C.W. and Ferreon,A.C.M. TITLE Stereospecific NANOG PEST Stabilization by Pin1 JOURNAL Biochemistry 63 (9), 1067-1074 (2024) PUBMED 38619104 REMARK GeneRIF: Stereospecific NANOG PEST Stabilization by Pin1. REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1009) AUTHORS Mohallem,R. and Aryal,U.K. TITLE Nuclear Phosphoproteome Reveals Prolyl Isomerase PIN1 as a Modulator of...
Synonym: DOD; UBL5
NM_006221.4 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase, NIMA-interacting 1 (PIN1), transcript variant 2, non-coding RNA. (1062 bp)
PUBMED 38386231 REMARK GeneRIF: PIN1 promotes the metastasis of cholangiocarcinoma cells by RACK1-mediated phosphorylation of ANXA2. REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1062) AUTHORS Ferreon,J.C., Ta,H.M., Yun,H., Choi,K.J., Quan,M.D., Tsoi,P.S., Kim,C., Lee,C.W. and Ferreon,A.C.M. TITLE Stereospecific NANOG PEST Stabilization by Pin1 JOURNAL Biochemistry 63 (9), 1067-1074 (2024) PUBMED 38619104 REMARK GeneRIF: Stereospecific NANOG PEST Stabilization by Pin1. REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1062) AUTHORS Mohallem,R. and Aryal,U.K. TITLE Nuclear Phosphoproteome Reveals Prolyl Isomerase PIN1 as a Modulator of...
Synonym: DOD; UBL5
NR_038422.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens ephrin A4 (EFNA4), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (1088 bp)
PUBMED 33961781 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1088) AUTHORS Chen,Y.L., Yen,Y.C., Jang,C.W., Wang,S.H., Huang,H.T., Chen,C.H., Hsiao,J.R., Chang,J.Y. and Chen,Y.W. TITLE Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells JOURNAL Sci Rep 11 (1), 644 (2021) PUBMED 33436772 REMARK GeneRIF: Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 5...
Synonym: EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4
NM_182689.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens ephrin A4 (EFNA4), transcript variant 3, mRNA. (1108 bp)
PUBMED 33961781 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1108) AUTHORS Chen,Y.L., Yen,Y.C., Jang,C.W., Wang,S.H., Huang,H.T., Chen,C.H., Hsiao,J.R., Chang,J.Y. and Chen,Y.W. TITLE Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells JOURNAL Sci Rep 11 (1), 644 (2021) PUBMED 33436772 REMARK GeneRIF: Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 5...
Synonym: EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4
NM_182690.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens ephrin A4 (EFNA4), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (1254 bp)
PUBMED 33961781 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1254) AUTHORS Chen,Y.L., Yen,Y.C., Jang,C.W., Wang,S.H., Huang,H.T., Chen,C.H., Hsiao,J.R., Chang,J.Y. and Chen,Y.W. TITLE Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells JOURNAL Sci Rep 11 (1), 644 (2021) PUBMED 33436772 REMARK GeneRIF: Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 5...
Synonym: EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4
NM_005227.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens FEZF1 antisense RNA 1 (FEZF1-AS1), long non-coding RNA. (2653 bp)
REMARK GeneRIF: LncRNA FEZF1-AS1 aggravates cell proliferation and migration in glioblastoma. REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 2653) AUTHORS Zhang,Z., Sun,L., Zhang,Y., Lu,G., Li,Y. and Wei,Z. TITLE Long non-coding RNA FEZF1-AS1 promotes breast cancer stemness and tumorigenesis via targeting miR-30a/Nanog axis JOURNAL J Cell Physiol 233 (11), 8630-8638 (2018) PUBMED 29797562 REMARK GeneRIF: our study validate the important role of FEZF1-AS1/miR-30a/Nanog in breast cancer stemness and tumorigenesis, providing a novel insight and treatment strategy for breast cancer. REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 2653) AUTHORS...
NR_036484.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens EPH receptor A10 (EPHA10), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (2024 bp)
cell proliferation, invasion and migration. REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 2024) AUTHORS Chen,Y.L., Yen,Y.C., Jang,C.W., Wang,S.H., Huang,H.T., Chen,C.H., Hsiao,J.R., Chang,J.Y. and Chen,Y.W. TITLE Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells JOURNAL Sci Rep 11 (1), 644 (2021) PUBMED 33436772 REMARK GeneRIF: Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Publication Status:...
Synonym: DFNA88
NM_173641.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens fibrous sheath interacting protein 1 (FSIP1), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (2719 bp)
AUTHORS Chen,G., Sun,L., Gu,X., Ai,L., Yang,J., Zhang,Z., Hou,P., Wang,Y., Ou,X., Jiang,X., Qiao,X., Ma,Q., Niu,N., Xue,J., Zhang,H., Yang,Y. and Liu,C. TITLE FSIP1 enhances the therapeutic sensitivity to CDK4/6 inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer patients by activating the Nanog pathway JOURNAL Sci China Life Sci 66 (12), 2805-2817 (2023) PUBMED 37460715 REMARK GeneRIF: FSIP1 enhances the therapeutic sensitivity to CDK4/6 inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer patients by activating the Nanog pathway. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2719) AUTHORS Yan,X., Dai,J., Han,Y., You,Q....
Synonym: HSD10
NM_001324338.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens CD44 molecule (IN blood group) (CD44), transcript variant 8, mRNA. (1959 bp)
splicing of CD44. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1959) AUTHORS Kainulainen,K., Niskanen,E.A., Kinnunen,J., Maki-Mantila,K., Hartikainen,K., Paakinaho,V., Malinen,M., Ketola,K. and Pasonen-Seppanen,S. TITLE Secreted factors from M1 macrophages drive prostate cancer stem cell plasticity by upregulating NANOG, SOX2, and CD44 through NFkappaB-signaling JOURNAL Oncoimmunology 13 (1), 2393442 (2024) PUBMED 39175947 REMARK GeneRIF: Secreted factors from M1 macrophages drive prostate cancer stem cell plasticity by upregulating NANOG, SOX2, and CD44 through NFkappaB-signaling. Publication Status: Online-Only...
Synonym: CDW44; CSPG8; ECM-III; ECMR-III; H-CAM; HCELL; Hermes-1; HUTCH-1; HUTCH-I; IN; LHR; MC56; MDU2; MDU3; MIC4; Pgp1
NM_001202557.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens SRY-box transcription factor 2 (SOX2), mRNA. (2512 bp)
promoter regions. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2512) AUTHORS Kainulainen,K., Niskanen,E.A., Kinnunen,J., Maki-Mantila,K., Hartikainen,K., Paakinaho,V., Malinen,M., Ketola,K. and Pasonen-Seppanen,S. TITLE Secreted factors from M1 macrophages drive prostate cancer stem cell plasticity by upregulating NANOG, SOX2, and CD44 through NFkappaB-signaling JOURNAL Oncoimmunology 13 (1), 2393442 (2024) PUBMED 39175947 REMARK GeneRIF: Secreted factors from M1 macrophages drive prostate cancer stem cell plasticity by upregulating NANOG, SOX2, and CD44 through NFkappaB-signaling. Publication Status: Online-Only...
Synonym: ANOP3; MCOPS3
NM_003106.4 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens acrosin binding protein (ACRBP), mRNA. (1905 bp)
cycle-regulated protein cyclin E, migration/invasion-regulated proteins MMP2 and MMP9. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1905) AUTHORS Hu,Q., Fu,J., Luo,B., Huang,M., Guo,W., Lin,Y., Xie,X. and Xiao,S. TITLE OY-TES-1 may regulate the malignant behavior of liver cancer via NANOG, CD9, CCND2 and CDCA3: a bioinformatic analysis combine with RNAi and oligonucleotide microarray JOURNAL Oncol Rep 33 (4), 1965-1975 (2015) PUBMED 25673160 REMARK GeneRIF: OY-TES-1 downregulation in liver cancer cells caused 2 opposite effects on cell proliferation: promotion by upregulating CCND2...
Synonym: CT23; OY-TES-1; SP32
NM_032489.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens long intergenic non-protein coding RNA, regulator of reprogramming (LINC-ROR), transcript variant 2, long non-coding RNA. (2278 bp)
AI340242.1. Summary: This gene produces a long non-coding RNA that regulates the reprogramming of pluripotent stem cells. This RNA suppresses induction of tumor protein p53 after DNA damage. It is thought to act as a sponge for microRNAs that regulate stem cell factors POU class 5 homeobox 1, Nanog, and SRY-box 2. This RNA may also have a extracellular role in modulating response to hypoxia in hepatocellular cancer cells. Expression of this transcript is associated with tumor progression and epithelial to mesenchymal transition and metastasis. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2017]. Publication Note:...
Synonym: lincRNA-RoR; lincRNA-ST8SIA3; ROR
NR_152602.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens fibrous sheath interacting protein 1 (FSIP1), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (2816 bp)
AUTHORS Chen,G., Sun,L., Gu,X., Ai,L., Yang,J., Zhang,Z., Hou,P., Wang,Y., Ou,X., Jiang,X., Qiao,X., Ma,Q., Niu,N., Xue,J., Zhang,H., Yang,Y. and Liu,C. TITLE FSIP1 enhances the therapeutic sensitivity to CDK4/6 inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer patients by activating the Nanog pathway JOURNAL Sci China Life Sci 66 (12), 2805-2817 (2023) PUBMED 37460715 REMARK GeneRIF: FSIP1 enhances the therapeutic sensitivity to CDK4/6 inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer patients by activating the Nanog pathway. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2816) AUTHORS Yan,X., Dai,J., Han,Y., You,Q....
Synonym: HSD10
NM_152597.5 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens long intergenic non-protein coding RNA, regulator of reprogramming (LINC-ROR), transcript variant 1, long non-coding RNA. (2603 bp)
NR_048536.1. Summary: This gene produces a long non-coding RNA that regulates the reprogramming of pluripotent stem cells. This RNA suppresses induction of tumor protein p53 after DNA damage. It is thought to act as a sponge for microRNAs that regulate stem cell factors POU class 5 homeobox 1, Nanog, and SRY-box 2. This RNA may also have a extracellular role in modulating response to hypoxia in hepatocellular cancer cells. Expression of this transcript is associated with tumor progression and epithelial to mesenchymal transition and metastasis. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2017]. Publication Note...
Synonym: lincRNA-RoR; lincRNA-ST8SIA3; ROR
NR_048536.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens POU class 5 homeobox 1B (POU5F1B), mRNA. (1080 bp)
transcriptional activator and regulates the expression in a similar way to the POU5F1 isoform 1 REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 1080) AUTHORS Firsova,N.V., Markintantova,Iu.V., Smirnova,Iu.A., Panova,I.G., Sukhikh,G.T., Zinov'eva,R.D. and Mitashov,V.I. TITLE [Identification of the OCT4-pg1 retrogene and NANOG gene expression in the human embryonic eye] JOURNAL Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol (2), 134-138 (2008) PUBMED 18946985 REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 1080) AUTHORS Suo,G., Han,J., Wang,X., Zhang,J., Zhao,Y., Zhao,Y. and Dai,J. TITLE Oct4 pseudogenes are transcribed in cancers JOURNAL Biochem Biophys Res Commun...
Synonym: OCT4-PG1; OCT4PG1; OTF3C; OTF3P1; POU5F1P1; POU5F1P4; POU5FLC20; POU5FLC8
NM_001159542.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens tudor domain containing 12 (TDRD12), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (1623 bp)
TITLE New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 42 (5), 376-384 (2010) PUBMED 20383146 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1623) AUTHORS Mitsui K, Tokuzawa Y, Itoh H, Segawa K, Murakami M, Takahashi K, Maruyama M, Maeda M and Yamanaka S. TITLE The homeoprotein Nanog is required for maintenance of pluripotency in mouse epiblast and ES cells JOURNAL Cell 113 (5), 631-642 (2003) PUBMED 12787504...
Synonym: ECAT8
NM_001110822.2 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens KH domain containing 3 like, subcortical maternal complex member (KHDC3L), mRNA. (1037 bp)
JOURNAL Genomics 90 (5), 583-594 (2007) PUBMED 17913455 REMARK GeneRIF: This paper states that ECAT1 is not found in rodents. REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 1037) AUTHORS Mitsui,K., Tokuzawa,Y., Itoh,H., Segawa,K., Murakami,M., Takahashi,K., Maruyama,M., Maeda,M. and Yamanaka,S. TITLE The homeoprotein Nanog is required for maintenance of pluripotency in mouse epiblast and ES cells JOURNAL Cell 113 (5), 631-642 (2003) PUBMED 12787504...
Synonym: C6orf221; ECAT1; HYDM2
NM_001017361.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens zinc finger protein 217 (ZNF217), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (5657 bp)
carcinoma progression. REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 5657) AUTHORS Xu,L.M., Zhang,J., Ma,Y., Yuan,Y.J., Yu,H., Wang,J., Cao,X.C., Zhu,L. and Wang,P. TITLE MicroRNA-135 inhibits initiation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer by targeting ZNF217 and promoting m6A modification of NANOG JOURNAL Oncogene 41 (12), 1742-1751 (2022) PUBMED 35121826 REMARK GeneRIF: MicroRNA-135 inhibits initiation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer by targeting ZNF217 and promoting m6A modification of NANOG. REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 5657) AUTHORS Hakimi,M.A., Dong,Y., Lane,W.S., Speicher,D...
Synonym: ZABC1
NM_001385034.1 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens polyhomeotic homolog 1 (PHC1), transcript variant 1, mRNA. (5390 bp)
Q., Chen,X., Jiang,P., Yu,H., Zhao,Q., Sun,L., Liu,C., Gu,B., Zheng,Y., Fei,L., Jiang,X., Li,W., Volpe,G., Abdul,M.M., Guo,G., Zhang,J., Qian,P., Sun,Q., Neculai,D., Esteban,M.A., Li,C., Wen,F. and Ji,J. TITLE PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus JOURNAL Nat Commun 12 (1), 2829 (2021) PUBMED 33990559 REMARK GeneRIF: PHC1 maintains pluripotency by organizing genome-wide chromatin interactions of the Nanog locus. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 5390) AUTHORS Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E.,...
Synonym: EDR1; HPH1; MCPH11; RAE28
NM_004426.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)
Homo sapiens zinc finger protein 217 (ZNF217), transcript variant 2, mRNA. (5790 bp)
carcinoma progression. REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 5790) AUTHORS Xu,L.M., Zhang,J., Ma,Y., Yuan,Y.J., Yu,H., Wang,J., Cao,X.C., Zhu,L. and Wang,P. TITLE MicroRNA-135 inhibits initiation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer by targeting ZNF217 and promoting m6A modification of NANOG JOURNAL Oncogene 41 (12), 1742-1751 (2022) PUBMED 35121826 REMARK GeneRIF: MicroRNA-135 inhibits initiation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer by targeting ZNF217 and promoting m6A modification of NANOG. REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 5790) AUTHORS Hakimi,M.A., Dong,Y., Lane,W.S., Speicher,D...
Synonym: ZABC1
NM_006526.3 - Homo sapiens (human) - NCBI - UCSC - RefEx(expression)

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GGRNA ver.2 by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]