2025-03-13 12:58:09, GGRNA : RefSeq release 60 (20130726)
LOCUS NM_003380 2151 bp mRNA linear PRI 24-JUN-2013 DEFINITION Homo sapiens vimentin (VIM), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_003380 VERSION NM_003380.3 GI:240849334 KEYWORDS RefSeq. SOURCE Homo sapiens (human) ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Yamashita,N., Tokunaga,E., Kitao,H., Hisamatsu,Y., Taketani,K., Akiyoshi,S., Okada,S., Aishima,S., Morita,M. and Maehara,Y. TITLE Vimentin as a poor prognostic factor for triple-negative breast cancer JOURNAL J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 139 (5), 739-746 (2013) PUBMED 23354842 REMARK GeneRIF: The elevated expression of vimentin contributes to the aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis in TNBC. Vimentin expression might be useful as a biomarker for the prognosis of TNBC. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Bay-Jensen,A.C., Karsdal,M.A., Vassiliadis,E., Wichuk,S., Marcher-Mikkelsen,K., Lories,R., Christiansen,C. and Maksymowych,W.P. TITLE Circulating citrullinated vimentin fragments reflect disease burden in ankylosing spondylitis and have prognostic capacity for radiographic progression JOURNAL Arthritis Rheum. 65 (4), 972-980 (2013) PUBMED 23280360 REMARK GeneRIF: Degraded citrullinated vimentin (VICM) was greater in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis patients than in healthy controls. VICM levels correlated with disease burden in AS, and were significantly associated with radiographic progression. REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Chatterjee,S., Panda,A.C., Berwal,S.K., Sreejith,R.K., Ritvika,C., Seshadri,V. and Pal,J.K. TITLE Vimentin is a component of a complex that binds to the 5'-UTR of human heme-regulated eIF2alpha kinase mRNA and regulates its translation JOURNAL FEBS Lett. 587 (5), 474-480 (2013) PUBMED 23357686 REMARK GeneRIF: Vimentin is one of the trans-acting factors that contribute to the regulation hHRI gene expression. REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Deng,Z., Du,W.W., Fang,L., Shan,S.W., Qian,J., Lin,J., Qian,W., Ma,J., Rutnam,Z.J. and Yang,B.B. TITLE The intermediate filament vimentin mediates microRNA miR-378 function in cellular self-renewal by regulating the expression of the Sox2 transcription factor JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 288 (1), 319-331 (2013) PUBMED 23135265 REMARK GeneRIF: miR-378 is a regulator of stem cell marker Sox2 by targeting vimentin REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Reinert,T., Borre,M., Christiansen,A., Hermann,G.G., Orntoft,T.F. and Dyrskjot,L. TITLE Diagnosis of bladder cancer recurrence based on urinary levels of EOMES, HOXA9, POU4F2, TWIST1, VIM, and ZNF154 hypermethylation JOURNAL PLoS ONE 7 (10), E46297 (2012) PUBMED 23056278 REMARK GeneRIF: Methylation levels of EOMES, HOXA9, POU4F2, TWIST1, VIM, and ZNF154 in urine specimens are promising diagnostic biomarkers for bladder cancer recurrence surveillance REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Brunkener,M. and Georgatos,S.D. TITLE Membrane-binding properties of filensin, a cytoskeletal protein of the lens fiber cells JOURNAL J. Cell. Sci. 103 (PT 3), 709-718 (1992) PUBMED 1478967 REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Norwitz,E.R., Fernandez-Shaw,S., Barlow,D.H. and Starkey,P.M. TITLE Expression of intermediate filament in endometrial glands changes with the onset of pregnancy and in endometriosis JOURNAL Hum. Reprod. 6 (10), 1470-1473 (1991) PUBMED 1722806 REFERENCE 8 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Merdes,A., Brunkener,M., Horstmann,H. and Georgatos,S.D. TITLE Filensin: a new vimentin-binding, polymerization-competent, and membrane-associated protein of the lens fiber cell JOURNAL J. Cell Biol. 115 (2), 397-410 (1991) PUBMED 1918147 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Honore,B., Madsen,P., Basse,B., Andersen,A., Walbum,E., Celis,J.E. and Leffers,H. TITLE Nucleotide sequence of cDNA covering the complete coding part of the human vimentin gene JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 18 (22), 6692 (1990) PUBMED 2251132 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2151) AUTHORS Gupta,A.K., Aubin,J.E. and Waye,M.M. TITLE Isolation of a human vimentin cDNA with a long 3'-noncoding region from a human osteosarcoma cell line (MG-63) JOURNAL Gene 86 (2), 303-304 (1990) PUBMED 2323579 COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from BQ050765.1 and BC000163.2. This sequence is a reference standard in the RefSeqGene project. On Jun 20, 2009 this sequence version replaced gi:62414288. Summary: This gene encodes a member of the intermediate filament family. Intermediate filamentents, along with microtubules and actin microfilaments, make up the cytoskeleton. The protein encoded by this gene is responsible for maintaining cell shape, integrity of the cytoplasm, and stabilizing cytoskeletal interactions. It is also involved in the immune response, and controls the transport of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-derived cholesterol from a lysosome to the site of esterification. It functions as an organizer of a number of critical proteins involved in attachment, migration, and cell signaling. Mutations in this gene causes a dominant, pulverulent cataract.[provided by RefSeq, Jun 2009]. Publication Note: This RefSeq record includes a subset of the publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene record to access additional publications. ##Evidence-Data-START## Transcript exon combination :: BC066956.1 [ECO:0000332] ##Evidence-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: complete on the 3' end. PRIMARY REFSEQ_SPAN PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER PRIMARY_SPAN COMP 1-289 BQ050765.1 1-289 290-2151 BC000163.2 1-1862 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..2151 /organism="Homo sapiens" /mol_type="mRNA" /db_xref="taxon:9606" /chromosome="10" /map="10p13" gene 1..2151 /gene="VIM" /note="vimentin" /db_xref="GeneID:7431" /db_xref="HGNC:12692" /db_xref="MIM:193060" exon 1..266 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 44 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:150634167" variation 76 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:371486210" variation 133 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:190287996" variation 141..142 /gene="VIM" /replace="" /replace="a" /db_xref="dbSNP:201668694" variation 143..144 /gene="VIM" /replace="" /replace="a" /db_xref="dbSNP:67879712" variation 152 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:80339700" variation 167 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:115005130" misc_feature 225..227 /gene="VIM" /note="upstream in-frame stop codon" exon 267..976 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 267 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:111294049" variation 296 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:192867529" variation 335 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545555" variation 354..355 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545545" variation 357 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:373139864" variation 365 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="c" /db_xref="dbSNP:375938720" variation 372 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:374772089" variation 387 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:200253669" variation 392 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:3758410" CDS 414..1814 /gene="VIM" /codon_start=1 /product="vimentin" /protein_id="NP_003371.2" /db_xref="GI:62414289" /db_xref="CCDS:CCDS7120.1" /db_xref="GeneID:7431" /db_xref="HGNC:12692" /db_xref="MIM:193060" /translation="
" misc_feature 417..698 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Head" misc_feature 417..419 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N-acetylserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 426..428 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 432..434 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine, by PKA and PKC; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 432..434 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature 432..434 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:03382" misc_feature 435..437 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 438..440 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine, by PKC; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 438..440 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature 441..443 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine, by PKC; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 441..443 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature 471..473 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphothreonine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 486..488 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 486..488 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature 486..488 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:03382" misc_feature 489..491 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature 489..491 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:05428" misc_feature 492..494 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 492..494 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 498..500 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 501..503 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 510..512 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphothreonine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 510..512 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 513..515 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 513..515 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature 525..527 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphotyrosine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 528..530 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine, by CaMK2, PKA, PKC and ROCK2; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 528..530 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature 528..530 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:03382" misc_feature 528..530 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:05428" misc_feature 537..539 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine, by PKC; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 537..539 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:01498" misc_feature <549..716 /gene="VIM" /note="Intermediate filament head (DNA binding) region; Region: Filament_head; pfam04732" /db_xref="CDD:191073" misc_feature 552..554 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 552..554 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:03382" misc_feature 564..566 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 564..566 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:05428" misc_feature 570..572 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphotyrosine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 570..572 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 576..578 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 579..581 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine, by CDK5 and CDK1; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 579..581 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:00302" misc_feature 579..581 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 594..596 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphotyrosine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 594..596 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 594..596 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 609..611 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:05428" misc_feature 627..629 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine, by AURKB and ROCK2; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 627..629 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:03414" misc_feature 630..632 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 630..632 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:05428" misc_feature 660..662 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 660..662 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" /db_xref="HPRD:09653" misc_feature 666..668 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="proteolytic cleavage site; modified site" /db_xref="HPRD:02799" misc_feature 666..668 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="proteolytic cleavage site; modified site" /db_xref="HPRD:03457" misc_feature 699..1634 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Rod" misc_feature 699..806 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Coil 1A" misc_feature 717..1643 /gene="VIM" /note="Intermediate filament protein; Region: Filament; pfam00038" /db_xref="CDD:200948" misc_feature 723..725 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N6-acetyllysine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 762..764 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphotyrosine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 762..764 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 762..764 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 771..773 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N6-acetyllysine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 807..872 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Linker 1" misc_feature 828..830 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N6-acetyllysine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 843..845 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 873..1148 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Coil 1B" misc_feature 1053..1055 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1053..1055 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1089..1091 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1149..1217 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Linker 12" misc_feature 1188..1190 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="proteolytic cleavage site; modified site" /db_xref="HPRD:03321" misc_feature 1188..1190 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="proteolytic cleavage site; modified site" /db_xref="HPRD:03459" misc_feature 1188..1190 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="proteolytic cleavage site; modified site" /db_xref="HPRD:03756" misc_feature 1194..1196 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1209..1211 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphothreonine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1218..1634 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Coil 2" misc_feature 1287..1289 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N6-acetyllysine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 1308..1310 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1464..1466 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Stutter; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); other site" misc_feature 1530..1532 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N6-acetyllysine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 1611..1613 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1617..1619 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N6-acetyllysine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 1635..1811 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); Region: Tail" misc_feature 1638..1640 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1647..1649 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1647..1649 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1668..1670 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1668..1670 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1671..1673 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1689..1691 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphothreonine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1689..1691 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1701..1703 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1701..1703 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1719..1721 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphothreonine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1746..1748 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="N6-acetyllysine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); acetylation site" misc_feature 1749..1751 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphothreonine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1785..1787 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphothreonine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1785..1787 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1788..1790 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="Phosphoserine; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P08670.4); phosphorylation site" misc_feature 1788..1790 /gene="VIM" /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details recorded" /note="phosphorylation site" STS 414..510 /gene="VIM" /standard_name="GDB:193876" /db_xref="UniSTS:155784" variation 428 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:377255736" variation 466 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545549" variation 555 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="c" /db_xref="dbSNP:201189169" variation 562 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545553" variation 605 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:34171769" variation 612 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:369470034" variation 617 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545547" variation 641 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:111616371" variation 642 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:184701100" variation 643 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545548" variation 695 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:144539901" STS 748..1627 /gene="VIM" /standard_name="Vim" /db_xref="UniSTS:507308" variation 797 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:147857896" variation 803 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="c" /db_xref="dbSNP:113013980" variation 809 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545554" variation 851 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:1042003" variation 864 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:121917775" variation 867 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:141319821" variation 902 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:201551781" variation 903 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:377524590" variation 927 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545550" variation 955 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="c" /db_xref="dbSNP:149942621" variation 966 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:201325757" variation 967 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545551" exon 977..1037 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 984 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:373295180" variation 1012 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:145760831" variation 1022 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:148956484" variation 1025 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:143636314" exon 1038..1133 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" STS 1040..1209 /gene="VIM" /standard_name="VIM" /db_xref="UniSTS:253717" variation 1043 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:61761616" variation 1048 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:116800063" STS 1049..1176 /gene="VIM" /standard_name="Vim" /db_xref="UniSTS:527007" variation 1059 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:138235394" variation 1127 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:141244457" exon 1134..1295 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 1162 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:145152785" variation 1179 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:139037306" variation 1181 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:377349430" variation 1187 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:141519986" variation 1209 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:113576905" variation 1210 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:150878383" variation 1211 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:137961338" variation 1226 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:4903" variation 1227 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:199515026" variation 1231 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:371176373" variation 1251 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:147133187" variation 1292 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:11254467" exon 1296..1421 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 1312 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:144238562" variation 1335 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545546" variation 1372 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:371431143" variation 1400 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:147429387" variation 1407 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:200772352" variation 1421 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:111932484" exon 1422..1642 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 1422 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:369763215" variation 1438 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:376802470" variation 1447 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:116370722" variation 1464 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:200740172" variation 1493 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:139818786" variation 1498 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:114322672" variation 1504 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:371054027" variation 1505 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:116696668" variation 1545 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:201530534" variation 1555 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:35157876" variation 1568 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:374050623" variation 1634 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:150986868" exon 1643..1686 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 1643 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:373859810" variation 1660 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545541" variation 1670 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545556" variation 1679 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:140482660" exon 1687..1772 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 1706 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:150003485" variation 1713 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:146586974" variation 1729 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:372394023" variation 1742 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:371063888" exon 1773..2136 /gene="VIM" /inference="alignment:Splign:1.39.8" variation 1782 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:376668602" variation 1798 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545543" variation 1799 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:368414175" variation 1800 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:372258946" variation 1802 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:376851316" variation 1813 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:369406521" variation 1826..1827 /gene="VIM" /replace="" /replace="ac" /db_xref="dbSNP:71645806" variation 1826 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:144519674" variation 1869 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:12667" variation 1873..1874 /gene="VIM" /replace="" /replace="at" /db_xref="dbSNP:71667054" variation 1921 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:112279926" variation 1943 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:9235" variation 1950 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:186277663" variation 1956 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:9059" variation 1960 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:189996263" variation 1961 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:9486" STS 1964..2127 /gene="VIM" /standard_name="RH11024" /db_xref="UniSTS:32309" variation 1976 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:9485" variation 1986..1987 /gene="VIM" /replace="" /replace="a" /db_xref="dbSNP:71683678" variation 2009 /gene="VIM" /replace="g" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:9484" variation 2042 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:11545542" variation 2061 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="g" /db_xref="dbSNP:3249" variation 2065..2067 /gene="VIM" /replace="" /replace="aaa" /db_xref="dbSNP:71770840" variation 2073 /gene="VIM" /replace="" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:71724273" variation 2106 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="c" /db_xref="dbSNP:1049341" variation 2109 /gene="VIM" /replace="c" /replace="t" /db_xref="dbSNP:1063520" variation 2136 /gene="VIM" /replace="a" /replace="c" /db_xref="dbSNP:3179873" ORIGIN
ANNOTATIONS from NCBI Entrez Gene (20130726): GeneID:7431 -> Molecular function: GO:0005200 [structural constituent of cytoskeleton] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Molecular function: GO:0005212 [structural constituent of eye lens] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Molecular function: GO:0005515 [protein binding] evidence: IPI GeneID:7431 -> Molecular function: GO:0008022 [protein C-terminus binding] evidence: IPI GeneID:7431 -> Molecular function: GO:0042802 [identical protein binding] evidence: IPI GeneID:7431 -> Molecular function: GO:0097110 [scaffold protein binding] evidence: IPI GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0006915 [apoptotic process] evidence: TAS GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0006921 [cellular component disassembly involved in execution phase of apoptosis] evidence: TAS GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0006928 [cellular component movement] evidence: TAS GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0010977 [negative regulation of neuron projection development] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0014002 [astrocyte development] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0019048 [modulation by virus of host morphology or physiology] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0030049 [muscle filament sliding] evidence: TAS GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0045109 [intermediate filament organization] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0060020 [Bergmann glial cell differentiation] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Biological process: GO:0070307 [lens fiber cell development] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005737 [cytoplasm] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005777 [peroxisome] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005829 [cytosol] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005829 [cytosol] evidence: TAS GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005856 [cytoskeleton] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005856 [cytoskeleton] evidence: TAS GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005882 [intermediate filament] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0005886 [plasma membrane] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0031252 [cell leading edge] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0042995 [cell projection] evidence: IEA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0045111 [intermediate filament cytoskeleton] evidence: IDA GeneID:7431 -> Cellular component: GO:0070062 [extracellular vesicular exosome] evidence: IDA
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