2025-03-14 17:57:50, GGRNA.v2 : RefSeq release 228 (Jan, 2025)
LOCUS NM_009690 2037 bp mRNA linear ROD 24-OCT-2024 DEFINITION Mus musculus CD5 antigen-like (Cd5l), mRNA. ACCESSION NM_009690 VERSION NM_009690.2 KEYWORDS RefSeq; RefSeq Select. SOURCE Mus musculus (house mouse) ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Cardoso,M.S., Goncalves,R., Oliveira,L., Silverio,D., Tellez,E., Paul,T., Sarrias,M.R., Carmo,A.M. and Saraiva,M. TITLE CD5L is upregulated upon infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis with no effect on disease progression JOURNAL Immunology 173 (2), 310-320 (2024) PUBMED 38922694 REMARK GeneRIF: CD5L is upregulated upon infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis with no effect on disease progression. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Oliveira,L., Silva,M.C., Gomes,A.P., Santos,R.F., Cardoso,M.S., Novoa,A., Luche,H., Cavadas,B., Amorim,I., Gartner,F., Malissen,B., Mallo,M. and Carmo,A.M. TITLE CD5L as a promising biological therapeutic for treating sepsis JOURNAL Nat Commun 15 (1), 4119 (2024) PUBMED 38750020 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Adams,D.J., Barlas,B., McIntyre,R.E., Salguero,I., van der Weyden,L., Barros,A., Vicente,J.R., Karimpour,N., Haider,A., Ranzani,M., Turner,G., Thompson,N.A., Harle,V., Olvera-Leon,R., Robles-Espinoza,C.D., Speak,A.O., Geisler,N., Weninger,W.J., Geyer,S.H., Hewinson,J., Karp,N.A., Fu,B., Yang,F., Kozik,Z., Choudhary,J., Yu,L., van Ruiten,M.S., Rowland,B.D., Lelliott,C.J., Del Castillo Velasco-Herrera,M., Verstraten,R., Bruckner,L., Henssen,A.G., Rooimans,M.A., de Lange,J., Mohun,T.J., Arends,M.J., Kentistou,K.A., Coelho,P.A., Zhao,Y., Zecchini,H., Perry,J.R.B., Jackson,S.P. and Balmus,G. CONSRTM Sanger Mouse Genetics Project TITLE Genetic determinants of micronucleus formation in vivo JOURNAL Nature 627 (8002), 130-136 (2024) PUBMED 38355793 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Yasuda,K., Shimodan,S., Maehara,N., Hirota,A., Iijima,R., Nishijima,A., Mori,H., Toyama,R., Ito,A., Yoshikawa,Y., Arai,S. and Miyazaki,T. TITLE AIM/CD5L ameliorates autoimmune arthritis by promoting removal of inflammatory DAMPs at the lesions JOURNAL J Autoimmun 142, 103149 (2024) PUBMED 38006711 REMARK GeneRIF: AIM/CD5L ameliorates autoimmune arthritis by promoting removal of inflammatory DAMPs at the lesions. REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Takimoto-Sato,M., Suzuki,M., Kimura,H., Ge,H., Matsumoto,M., Makita,H., Arai,S., Miyazaki,T., Nishimura,M. and Konno,S. TITLE Apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage (AIM)/CD5L is involved in the pathogenesis of COPD JOURNAL Respir Res 24 (1), 201 (2023) PUBMED 37592330 REMARK GeneRIF: Apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage (AIM)/CD5L is involved in the pathogenesis of COPD. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Guselnikov,S.V., Ershova,S.A., Mechetina,L.V., Najakshin,A.M., Volkova,O.Y., Alabyev,B.Y. and Taranin,A.V. TITLE A family of highly diverse human and mouse genes structurally links leukocyte FcR, gp42 and PECAM-1 JOURNAL Immunogenetics 54 (2), 87-95 (2002) PUBMED 12037601 REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Gebe,J.A., Llewellyn,M., Hoggatt,H. and Aruffo,A. TITLE Molecular cloning, genomic organization and cell-binding characteristics of mouse Spalpha JOURNAL Immunology 99 (1), 78-86 (2000) PUBMED 10651944 REFERENCE 8 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Eddleston,J., Murdoch,J.N., Copp,A.J. and Stanier,P. TITLE Physical and transcriptional map of a 3-Mb region of mouse chromosome 1 containing the gene for the neural tube defect mutant loop-tail (Lp) JOURNAL Genomics 56 (2), 149-159 (1999) PUBMED 10051400 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Miyazaki,T., Hirokami,Y., Matsuhashi,N., Takatsuka,H. and Naito,M. TITLE Increased susceptibility of thymocytes to apoptosis in mice lacking AIM, a novel murine macrophage-derived soluble factor belonging to the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain superfamily JOURNAL J Exp Med 189 (2), 413-422 (1999) PUBMED 9892623 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2037) AUTHORS Iwama,A., Zhang,P., Darlington,G.J., McKercher,S.R., Maki,R. and Tenen,D.G. TITLE Use of RDA analysis of knockout mice to identify myeloid genes regulated in vivo by PU.1 and C/EBPalpha JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res 26 (12), 3034-3043 (1998) PUBMED 9611252 COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from AK159181.1 and BY582711.1. On Nov 16, 2007 this sequence version replaced NM_009690.1. Publication Note: This RefSeq record includes a subset of the publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene record to access additional publications. ##Evidence-Data-START## Transcript exon combination :: AK159181.1, AK159823.1 [ECO:0000332] RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns SAMN00849374, SAMN00849381 [ECO:0000348] ##Evidence-Data-END## ##RefSeq-Attributes-START## RefSeq Select criteria :: based on single protein-coding transcript ##RefSeq-Attributes-END## COMPLETENESS: complete on the 3' end. PRIMARY REFSEQ_SPAN PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER PRIMARY_SPAN COMP 1-2035 AK159181.1 4-2038 2036-2037 BY582711.1 395-396 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..2037 /organism="Mus musculus" /mol_type="mRNA" /strain="C57BL/6" /db_xref="taxon:10090" /chromosome="3" /map="3 38.19 cM" gene 1..2037 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="CD5 antigen-like" /db_xref="GeneID:11801" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:1334419" exon 1..149 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" CDS 122..1180 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="apoptosis inhibitor 6; CT-2; apoptosis inhibitor expressed by macrophages; AIM/Spalpha; Pdp 1/6" /codon_start=1 /product="CD5 antigen-like precursor" /protein_id="NP_033820.2" /db_xref="CCDS:CCDS17451.1" /db_xref="GeneID:11801" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:1334419" /translation="
sig_peptide 122..184 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /inference="COORDINATES: ab initio prediction:SignalP:6.0" mat_peptide 185..1177 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /product="CD5 antigen-like" misc_feature 200..502 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="Scavenger receptor Cys-rich; Region: SR; smart00202" /db_xref="CDD:214555" misc_feature 416..418 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. /evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:23236605; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9QWK4.3); glycosylation site" misc_feature 542..841 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="Scavenger receptor Cys-rich; Region: SR; smart00202" /db_xref="CDD:214555" misc_feature 806..808 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. /evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:23236605; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9QWK4.3); glycosylation site" misc_feature 857..1165 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="Scavenger receptor Cys-rich; Region: SR; smart00202" /db_xref="CDD:214555" misc_feature 1067..1069 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="Not glycosylated. /evidence=ECO:0000269|PubMed:23236605; propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q9QWK4.3); other site" exon 150..185 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 186..506 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 507..845 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 846..1166 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 1167..2037 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" regulatory 2015..2020 /regulatory_class="polyA_signal_sequence" /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="hexamer: AATAAA" polyA_site 2036 /gene="Cd5l" /gene_synonym="1/6; AAC-11; AIM; Api6; CT2; mAIM; Pdp; Sp-alpha" /note="major polyA site" ORIGIN
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If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596.
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