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2025-03-04 03:06:46, GGRNA : RefSeq release 228 (Jan, 2025)
LOCUS XM_005158556 3679 bp mRNA linear VRT 08-SEP-2024 DEFINITION PREDICTED: Danio rerio NRDE-2, necessary for RNA interference, domain containing (nrde2), mRNA. ACCESSION XM_005158556 VERSION XM_005158556.5 DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA13922 KEYWORDS RefSeq. SOURCE Danio rerio (zebrafish) ORGANISM Danio rerio Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes; Danionidae; Danioninae; Danio. COMMENT MODEL REFSEQ: This record is predicted by automated computational analysis. This record is derived from a genomic...
XM_005158556.5 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1075) AUTHORS Yi T, Arthanari H, Akabayov B, Song H, Papadopoulos E, Qi HH, Jedrychowski M, Guttler T, Guo C, Luna RE, Gygi SP, Huang SA and Wagner G. TITLE eIF1A augments Ago2-mediated Dicer-independent miRNA biogenesis and RNA interference JOURNAL Nat Commun 6, 7194 (2015) PUBMED 26018492 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1075) AUTHORS Lucitt MB, Price TS, Pizarro A, Wu W, Yocum AK, Seiler C, Pack MA, Blair IA, Fitzgerald GA and Grosser T. TITLE Analysis of the zebrafish proteome during embryonic...
Synonym: eif1ax; zgc:101670
NM_001006082.2 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
gene="ago2" /note="Argonaute linker 1 domain; Region: ArgoL1; pfam08699" /db_xref="CDD:462567" misc_feature 899..1261 /gene="ago2" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(1055..1057,1100..1102,1142..1144,1154..1156, 1208..1210,1229..1231,1235..1237) /gene="ago2" /note="nucleic acid-binding interface...
XM_009294368.4 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1496) AUTHORS Yi T, Arthanari H, Akabayov B, Song H, Papadopoulos E, Qi HH, Jedrychowski M, Guttler T, Guo C, Luna RE, Gygi SP, Huang SA and Wagner G. TITLE eIF1A augments Ago2-mediated Dicer-independent miRNA biogenesis and RNA interference JOURNAL Nat Commun 6, 7194 (2015) PUBMED 26018492 REMARK GeneRIF: eIF1A is a novel component of the Ago2-centred RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISCs) and augments Ago2-dependent RNAi and miRNA biogenesis. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1496) AUTHORS Kobayashi I, Ono...
Synonym: wu:fb26b09; wu:fb38c07; wu:fb66g07; wu:fk26d12; zgc:110087
NM_001025453.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
Verfaillie CM. TITLE Functional analysis of human hematopoietic stem cell gene expression using zebrafish JOURNAL PLoS Biol 3 (8), e254 (2005) PUBMED 16089502 REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 1640) AUTHORS Kennedy S, Wang D and Ruvkun G. TITLE A conserved siRNA-degrading RNase negatively regulates RNA interference in C. elegans JOURNAL Nature 427 (6975), 645-649 (2004) PUBMED 14961122...
Synonym: thex1; zgc:110635
NM_001020614.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
linker 1 domain; Region: ArgoL1; pfam08699" /db_xref="CDD:462567" misc_feature 1336..1698 /gene="ago3a" /gene_synonym="eif2c1" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(1492..1494,1537..1539,1579..1581,1591..1593, 1645..1647,1666..1668,1672..1674) /gene="ago3a" /gene_synonym="eif2c1" /note="nucleic...
Synonym: eif2c1
XM_009292707.4 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
CDD:462567" misc_feature 1177..1539 /gene="ago3b" /gene_synonym="ago3; Argonaute3; eif2c3; eif2c3b; sb:eu332; si:dkey-3n22.3" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(1333..1335,1378..1380,1420..1422,1432..1434, 1486..1488,1507..1509,1513..1515) /gene="ago3b" /gene_synonym="ago3; Argonaute3; eif2c3;...
Synonym: ago3; Argonaute3; eif2c3; eif2c3b; sb:eu332; si:dkey-3n22.3
XM_005159456.4 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
domain; Region: ArgoL1; pfam08699" /db_xref="CDD:462567" misc_feature 908..1270 /gene="LOC567622" /gene_synonym="ago3a; eif2c1" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(1064..1066,1109..1111,1151..1153,1163..1165, 1217..1219,1238..1240,1244..1246) /gene="LOC567622" /gene_synonym="ago3a; eif2c1" /note...
Synonym: ago3a; eif2c1
NM_001302232.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
Region: ArgoL1; pfam08699" /db_xref="CDD:462567" misc_feature 778..1140 /gene="ago4" /gene_synonym="eif2c4; fd14f04; wu:fd14f04" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(934..936,979..981,1021..1023,1033..1035,1087..1089, 1108..1110,1114..1116) /gene="ago4" /gene_synonym="eif2c4; fd14f04; wu:...
Synonym: eif2c4; fd14f04; wu:fd14f04
NM_001252559.2 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
gene="ago2" /note="Argonaute linker 1 domain; Region: ArgoL1; pfam08699" /db_xref="CDD:462567" misc_feature 923..1285 /gene="ago2" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(1079..1081,1124..1126,1166..1168,1178..1180, 1232..1234,1253..1255,1259..1261) /gene="ago2" /note="nucleic acid-binding interface...
NM_001302222.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 7214) AUTHORS Valanne,S., Myllymaki,H., Kallio,J., Schmid,M.R., Kleino,A., Murumagi,A., Airaksinen,L., Kotipelto,T., Kaustio,M., Ulvila,J., Esfahani,S.S., Engstrom,Y., Silvennoinen,O., Hultmark,D., Parikka,M. and Ramet,M. TITLE Genome-wide RNA interference in Drosophila cells identifies G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 as a conserved regulator of NF-kappaB signaling JOURNAL J Immunol 184 (11), 6188-6198 (2010) PUBMED 20421637 REFERENCE 8 (bases 1 to 7214) AUTHORS Miranda,C.L., Collodi,P., Zhao,X., Barnes,D.W. and Buhler,D.R. TITLE Regulation of...
Synonym: zgc:153020
NM_001362619.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
ArgoL1; pfam08699" /db_xref="CDD:462567" misc_feature 1371..1733 /gene="ago3a" /gene_synonym="eif2c1; eif2c3a; sb:eu275; sb:eu416" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(1527..1529,1572..1574,1614..1616,1626..1628, 1680..1682,1701..1703,1707..1709) /gene="ago3a" /gene_synonym="eif2c1; eif2c3a; sb:...
Synonym: eif2c1; eif2c3a; sb:eu275; sb:eu416
NM_001423197.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
wu:fc74b05" /note="Dicer dimerization domain; Region: Dicer_dimer; pfam03368" /db_xref="CDD:460900" misc_feature 2865..3233 /gene="dicer1" /gene_synonym="fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05" /note="PAZ domain, dicer_like subfamily. Dicer is an RNAse involved in cleaving dsRNA in the RNA interference pathway. It generates dsRNAs which are approximately 20 bp long (siRNAs), which in turn target hydrolysis of homologous RNAs. PAZ domains are named...; Region: PAZ_dicer_like; cd02843" /db_xref="CDD:239209" misc_feature order...
Synonym: fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05
XM_021467114.2 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 7263) AUTHORS Valanne,S., Myllymaki,H., Kallio,J., Schmid,M.R., Kleino,A., Murumagi,A., Airaksinen,L., Kotipelto,T., Kaustio,M., Ulvila,J., Esfahani,S.S., Engstrom,Y., Silvennoinen,O., Hultmark,D., Parikka,M. and Ramet,M. TITLE Genome-wide RNA interference in Drosophila cells identifies G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 as a conserved regulator of NF-kappaB signaling JOURNAL J Immunol 184 (11), 6188-6198 (2010) PUBMED 20421637 REFERENCE 8 (bases 1 to 7263) AUTHORS Miranda,C.L., Collodi,P., Zhao,X., Barnes,D.W. and Buhler,D.R. TITLE Regulation of...
Synonym: zgc:153020
NM_001079986.2 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
wu:fc74b05" /note="Dicer dimerization domain; Region: Dicer_dimer; pfam03368" /db_xref="CDD:460900" misc_feature 3027..3395 /gene="dicer1" /gene_synonym="fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05" /note="PAZ domain, dicer_like subfamily. Dicer is an RNAse involved in cleaving dsRNA in the RNA interference pathway. It generates dsRNAs which are approximately 20 bp long (siRNAs), which in turn target hydrolysis of homologous RNAs. PAZ domains are named...; Region: PAZ_dicer_like; cd02843" /db_xref="CDD:239209" misc_feature order...
Synonym: fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05
XM_021467115.2 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
wu:fc74b05" /note="Dicer dimerization domain; Region: Dicer_dimer; pfam03368" /db_xref="CDD:460900" misc_feature 2951..3319 /gene="dicer1" /gene_synonym="fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05" /note="PAZ domain, dicer_like subfamily. Dicer is an RNAse involved in cleaving dsRNA in the RNA interference pathway. It generates dsRNAs which are approximately 20 bp long (siRNAs), which in turn target hydrolysis of homologous RNAs. PAZ domains are named...; Region: PAZ_dicer_like; cd02843" /db_xref="CDD:239209" misc_feature order...
Synonym: fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05
XM_005158666.5 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
wu:fc74b05" /note="Dicer dimerization domain; Region: Dicer_dimer; pfam03368" /db_xref="CDD:460900" misc_feature 2948..3316 /gene="dicer1" /gene_synonym="fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05" /note="PAZ domain, dicer_like subfamily. Dicer is an RNAse involved in cleaving dsRNA in the RNA interference pathway. It generates dsRNAs which are approximately 20 bp long (siRNAs), which in turn target hydrolysis of homologous RNAs. PAZ domains are named...; Region: PAZ_dicer_like; cd02843" /db_xref="CDD:239209" misc_feature order...
Synonym: fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05
XM_005158665.5 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
database JOURNAL BMC Genomics 17, 368 (2016) PUBMED 27189481 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 2340) AUTHORS Phetrungnapha,A., Panyim,S. and Ongvarrasopone,C. TITLE A Tudor staphylococcal nuclease from Penaeus monodon: cDNA cloning and its involvement in RNA interference JOURNAL Fish Shellfish Immunol 31 (3), 373-380 (2011) PUBMED 21745576 REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 2340) AUTHORS Hoffmann,J.L., Thomason,R.G., Lee,D.M., Brill,J.L., Price,B.B., Carr,G.J. and Versteeg,D.J. TITLE Hepatic gene expression profiling using GeneChips in zebrafish exposed to 17alpha-...
Synonym: SN4TDR; TDRD11; wu:fc27g10
NM_001293681.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
CDD:462567" misc_feature 1161..1523 /gene="ago3b" /gene_synonym="ago3; Argonaute3; eif2c3; eif2c3b; sb:eu332; si:dkey-3n22.3" /note="PAZ domain, argonaute_like subfamily. Argonaute is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and is an endonuclease that plays a key role in the RNA interference pathway. The PAZ domain has been named after the proteins Piwi,Argonaut, and Zwille; Region: PAZ_argonaute_like; cd02846" /db_xref="CDD:239212" misc_feature order(1317..1319,1362..1364,1404..1406,1416..1418, 1470..1472,1491..1493,1497..1499) /gene="ago3b" /gene_synonym="ago3; Argonaute3; eif2c3;...
Synonym: ago3; Argonaute3; eif2c3; eif2c3b; sb:eu332; si:dkey-3n22.3
NM_001160028.1 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
database JOURNAL BMC Genomics 17, 368 (2016) PUBMED 27189481 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 3807) AUTHORS Phetrungnapha,A., Panyim,S. and Ongvarrasopone,C. TITLE A Tudor staphylococcal nuclease from Penaeus monodon: cDNA cloning and its involvement in RNA interference JOURNAL Fish Shellfish Immunol 31 (3), 373-380 (2011) PUBMED 21745576 REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 3807) AUTHORS Hoffmann,J.L., Thomason,R.G., Lee,D.M., Brill,J.L., Price,B.B., Carr,G.J. and Versteeg,D.J. TITLE Hepatic gene expression profiling using GeneChips in zebrafish exposed to 17alpha-...
Synonym: SN4TDR; TDRD11; wu:fc27g10
NM_182865.3 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q6TV19.2); Region: Disordered. /evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite" misc_feature 2797..3165 /gene="dicer1" /gene_synonym="fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05" /note="PAZ domain, dicer_like subfamily. Dicer is an RNAse involved in cleaving dsRNA in the RNA interference pathway. It generates dsRNAs which are approximately 20 bp long (siRNAs), which in turn target hydrolysis of homologous RNAs. PAZ domains are named...; Region: PAZ_dicer_like; cd02843" /db_xref="CDD:239209" misc_feature order...
Synonym: fc39d11; fc74b05; wu:fc39d11; wu:fc74b05
NM_001161453.2 -
Danio rerio (zebrafish) -
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If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596.
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