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2024-11-15 20:58:29, GGRNA : RefSeq release 226 (Sep, 2024)
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genes (from 1.93 Mbp to 1.99 Mbp). A similar region occurs in DSM 555 (1.93 Mbp to 2.06 Mbp) but it is not only double the size of the NBRC12016 region, but also a duplicate." rRNA 1506 /product="16S ribosomal RNA" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Inui,M., Nonaka,H., Shinoda,Y., Ikenaga,Y., Abe,M., Naito,K., Vertes,A.A. and Yukawa,H. TITLE Complete genome sequence of Clostridium kluyveri and comaprative genomics of Clostridia species JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1506) CONSRTM NCBI RefSeq Targeted Loci Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (28-JAN-2013) National Center...
NR_074447.1 -
Clostridium kluyveri NBRC 12016 -
Clostridium kluyveri" /mol_type="rRNA" /strain="NBRC 12016" /culture_collection="NBRC:12016" /type_material="type strain of Clostridium kluyveri" /db_xref="taxon:1534" rRNA 1..2896 /product="23S ribosomal RNA" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Inui,M., Nonaka,H., Shinoda,Y., Ikenaga,Y., Abe,M., Naito,K., Vertes,A.A. and Yukawa,H. TITLE Complete genome sequence of Clostridium kluyveri and comaprative genomics of Clostridia species JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2896) CONSRTM NCBI RefSeq Targeted Loci Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (14-FEB-2013) National Center for...
NR_076268.1 -
Clostridium kluyveri -
mol_type="rRNA" /strain="NBRC 12016" /type_material="type strain of Clostridium kluyveri" /db_xref="taxon:583346" /note="type strain of Clostridium kluyveri NBRC 12016" rRNA 1..114 /product="5S ribosomal RNA" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Inui,M., Nonaka,H., Shinoda,Y., Ikenaga,Y., Abe,M., Naito,K., Vertes,A.A. and Yukawa,H. TITLE Complete genome sequence of Clostridium kluyveri and comaprative genomics of Clostridia species JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 114) CONSRTM NCBI RefSeq Targeted Loci Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (14-FEB-2013) National Center for...
NR_075229.1 -
Clostridium kluyveri NBRC 12016 -
Qualifiers source 1..1475 /organism="Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277" /mol_type="rRNA" /strain="ATCC 33277" /culture_collection="ATCC:33277" /type_material="type strain of Bacteroides gingivalis" /db_xref="taxon:431947" rRNA 1475 /product="16S ribosomal RNA" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Naito,M., Hirakawa,H., Yamashita,A., Ohara,N., Shoji,M., Yukitake,H., Nakayama,K., Toh,H., Yoshimura,F., Kuhara,S., Hattori,M., Hayashi,T. and Nakayama,K. TITLE Determination of the genome sequence of Porphyromonas gingivalis strain ATCC 33277 and genomic comparison with strain W83 revealed extensive...
NR_074234.1 -
Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 -
Location/Qualifiers source 1..2883 /organism="Porphyromonas gingivalis" /mol_type="rRNA" /strain="ATCC 33277" /culture_collection="ATCC:33277" /type_material="type strain of Bacteroides gingivalis" /db_xref="taxon:837" rRNA 1..2883 /product="23S ribosomal RNA" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Naito,M., Hirakawa,H., Yamashita,A., Ohara,N., Shoji,M., Yukitake,H., Nakayama,K., Toh,H., Yoshimura,F., Kuhara,S., Hattori,M., Hayashi,T. and Nakayama,K. TITLE Determination of the genome sequence of Porphyromonas gingivalis strain ATCC 33277 and genomic comparison with strain W83 revealed extensive genome...
NR_076276.1 -
Porphyromonas gingivalis -
organism="Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277" /mol_type="rRNA" /strain="ATCC 33277" /type_material="type strain of Bacteroides gingivalis" /db_xref="taxon:431947" /note="type strain of Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277" rRNA 1..108 /product="5S ribosomal RNA" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Naito,M., Hirakawa,H., Yamashita,A., Ohara,N., Shoji,M., Yukitake,H., Nakayama,K., Toh,H., Yoshimura,F., Kuhara,S., Hattori,M., Hayashi,T. and Nakayama,K. TITLE Determination of the genome sequence of Porphyromonas gingivalis strain ATCC 33277 and genomic comparison with strain W83 revealed extensive...
NR_075237.1 -
Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 -
I., Wang,W., Longo,D.L., Schlessinger,D. and Ko,M.S. TITLE Uncovering early response of gene regulatory networks in ESCs by systematic induction of transcription factors JOURNAL Cell Stem Cell 5 (4), 420-433 (2009) PUBMED 19796622 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1530) AUTHORS Yanagihara,M., Ishikawa,S., Naito,M., Nakajima,J., Aburatani,H. and Hatakeyama,M. TITLE Paired-like homeoprotein ESXR1 acts as a sequence-specific transcriptional repressor of the human K-ras gene JOURNAL Oncogene 24 (38), 5878-5887 (2005) PUBMED 15897875 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1530) AUTHORS Ozawa,H., Ashizawa,S., Naito,M.,...
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1506) CONSRTM NCBI RefSeq Targeted Loci Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (28-NOV-2016) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1506) AUTHORS Miyamoto,H., Seta,M., Horiuchi,S., Iwasawa,Y., Naito,T., Miyamoto,H., Itoh,K. and Kodama,H. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (03-MAR-2011) Contact:Hiroaki Kodama Chiba University, Graduate School of Horticulture; 648, Matsudo, Chiba 271-8510, Japan...
NR_144578.1 -
Caldifermentibacillus hisashii -
PUBMED 35189966 REMARK GeneRIF: Expression of CDK1 is down regulated in the heart, spleen, thymus and skeletal muscle of late gestation fetuses compromised by viral infection Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1265) AUTHORS Fujii,W., Nishimura,T., Kano,K., Sugiura,K. and Naito,K. TITLE CDK7 and CCNH are components of CDK-activating kinase and are required for meiotic progression of pig oocytes JOURNAL Biol Reprod 85 (6), 1124-1132 (2011) PUBMED 21778139 REMARK GeneRIF: CDK7 and CCNH activate CDC2 by T161 phosphorylation and make up CDK-activating kinase, which is required...
Synonym: CDC2
NM_001159304.2 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
exon 866..931 /gene="PRKAR2A" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 932..1073 /gene="PRKAR2A" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 1074..1236 /gene="PRKAR2A" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1236) AUTHORS Nishimura,T., Fujii,W., Sugiura,K. and Naito,K. TITLE Cytoplasmic anchoring of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) by A-kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) is required for meiotic arrest of porcine full-grown and growing oocytes JOURNAL Biol Reprod 90 (3), 58 (2014) PUBMED 24501172 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1236)...
NM_214258.2 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 1592..1853 /gene="WEE2" /gene_synonym="WEE1B" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 1854..2022 /gene="WEE2" /gene_synonym="WEE1B" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2045) AUTHORS Shimaoka,T., Nishimura,T., Kano,K. and Naito,K. TITLE Analyses of the regulatory mechanism of porcine WEE1B: the phosphorylation sites of porcine WEE1B and mouse WEE1B are different JOURNAL J Reprod Dev 57 (2), 223-228 (2011) PUBMED 21123961 REMARK GeneRIF: results suggest pWEE1B is activated after phosphorylation of the Ser77 residue, which...
Synonym: WEE1B
NM_001097507.2 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
of the SMBE Tri-National Young Investigators' Workshop 2005. Lineage-specific expansions and contractions of the bitter taste receptor gene repertoire in vertebrates JOURNAL Mol. Biol. Evol. 23 (5), 964-972 (2006) PUBMED 16484289 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 921) AUTHORS Ishimaru Y, Okada S, Naito H, Nagai T, Yasuoka A, Matsumoto I and Abe K. TITLE Two families of candidate taste receptors in fishes JOURNAL Mech. Dev. 122 (12), 1310-1321 (2005) PUBMED 16274966...
NM_001078602.1 -
Takifugu rubripes (Fugu rubripes) -
site [polypeptide binding]; other site" /db_xref="CDD:270881" misc_feature order(828..869,882..902) /gene="MOS" /gene_synonym="c-mos; p39-mos" /note="activation loop (A-loop); other site" /db_xref="CDD:270881" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1675) AUTHORS Nishimura,T., Shimaoka,T., Kano,K. and Naito,K. TITLE Insufficient amount of Cdc2 and continuous activation of Wee1 B are the cause of meiotic failure in porcine growing oocytes JOURNAL J Reprod Dev 55 (5), 553-557 (2009) PUBMED 19550110 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1675) AUTHORS Dai,Y., Newman,B. and Moor,R. TITLE Translational regulation of...
Synonym: c-mos; p39-mos
NM_001113219.1 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
Am Heart Assoc 8 (15), e012047 (2019) PUBMED 31364493 REMARK GeneRIF: Systems Network Genomic Analysis Reveals Cardioprotective Effect of MURC/Cavin-4 Deletion Against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4479) AUTHORS Miyagawa,K., Ogata,T., Ueyama,T., Kasahara,T., Nakanishi,N., Naito,D., Taniguchi,T., Hamaoka,T., Maruyama,N., Nishi,M., Kimura,T., Yamada,H., Aoki,H. and Matoba,S. TITLE Loss of MURC/Cavin-4 induces JNK and MMP-9 activity enhancement in vascular smooth muscle cells and exacerbates abdominal aortic aneurysm JOURNAL Biochem Biophys Res Commun...
db_xref="GeneID:50994" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:1860766" exon 1..716 /gene="Mtag2" /gene_synonym="MAG" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" regulatory 695..700 /regulatory_class="polyA_signal_sequence" /gene="Mtag2" /gene_synonym="MAG" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 716) AUTHORS Ishiguro T, Nagawa H, Naito M and Tsuruo T. TITLE Analysis of novel metastasis-associated gene TI-227 JOURNAL Jpn J Cancer Res 91 (4), 390-394 (2000) PUBMED 10804286 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 716) AUTHORS Kelly CD, Carter ND, Jeffery S and Edwards YH. TITLE Characterisation of cDNA clones for rat muscle carbonic anhydrase III...
variant 2" /db_xref="GeneID:50994" /db_xref="MGI:MGI:1860766" exon 1..114 /gene="Mtag2" /gene_synonym="MAG" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 115..687 /gene="Mtag2" /gene_synonym="MAG" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 687) AUTHORS Ishiguro T, Nagawa H, Naito M and Tsuruo T. TITLE Analysis of novel metastasis-associated gene TI-227 JOURNAL Jpn J Cancer Res 91 (4), 390-394 (2000) PUBMED 10804286 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 687) AUTHORS Kelly CD, Carter ND, Jeffery S and Edwards YH. TITLE Characterisation of cDNA clones for rat muscle carbonic anhydrase III...
PUBMED 24983972 REMARK GeneRIF: Aurora kinase A is unlikely to be involved in CPEB1 activating phosphorylation and cyclin B1 mRNA polyadenylation during meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1218) AUTHORS Nishimura,Y., Kano,K. and Naito,K. TITLE Porcine CPEB1 is involved in Cyclin B translation and meiotic resumption in porcine oocytes JOURNAL Anim Sci J 81 (4), 444-452 (2010) PUBMED 20662813 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1218) AUTHORS Nishimura,Y., Endo,T., Kano,K. and Naito,K. TITLE Porcine Aurora A accelerates Cyclin B and Mos synthesis and...
Synonym: ARK-1; STK6
NM_001025225.1 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
Splign:2.1.0" exon 761..872 /gene="CCNH" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 873..933 /gene="CCNH" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 934..972 /gene="CCNH" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 972) AUTHORS Fujii W, Nishimura T, Kano K, Sugiura K and Naito K. TITLE CDK7 and CCNH are components of CDK-activating kinase and are required for meiotic progression of pig oocytes JOURNAL Biol. Reprod. 85 (6), 1124-1132 (2011) PUBMED 21778139 REMARK GeneRIF: CDK7 and CCNH activate CDC2 by T161 phosphorylation and make up CDK-activating kinase, which is...
NM_001166313.1 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 1875) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 1875) AUTHORS...
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2181) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2181) AUTHORS...
alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 553..847 /gene="SPDYA" /gene_synonym="RINGO; SPDY1" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 848..936 /gene="SPDYA" /gene_synonym="RINGO; SPDY1" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 936) AUTHORS Kume S, Endo T, Nishimura Y, Kano K and Naito K. TITLE Porcine SPDYA2 (RINGO A2) stimulates CDC2 activity and accelerates meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes JOURNAL Biol. Reprod. 76 (3), 440-447 (2007) PUBMED 17151349 REMARK GeneRIF: pig SPDYA2 has important role in meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes and the rapid degradation of SPDY...
Synonym: RINGO; SPDY1
NM_001025223.1 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 2057..2310 /gene="Tm-1" /gene_synonym="Tm-1^GCR237; tm-1^GCR26" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 2311..2763 /gene="Tm-1" /gene_synonym="Tm-1^GCR237; tm-1^GCR26" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2763) AUTHORS Ishibashi,K., Naito,S., Meshi,T. and Ishikawa,M. TITLE An inhibitory interaction between viral and cellular proteins underlies the resistance of tomato to nonadapted tobamoviruses JOURNAL Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (21), 8778-8783 (2009) PUBMED 19423673 REMARK GeneRIF: Results suggest that an inhibitory interaction...
Synonym: Tm-1^GCR237; tm-1^GCR26
NM_001247795.2 -
Solanum lycopersicum (Lycopersicon esculentum) -
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 1946) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 1946) AUTHORS...
note="ligand binding site [chemical binding]; other site" /db_xref="CDD:237999" misc_feature order(1146..1154,1164..1172) /gene="PRKAR1A" /note="flexible hinge region; other site" /db_xref="CDD:237999" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1425) AUTHORS Nishimura,T., Fujii,W., Sugiura,K. and Naito,K. TITLE Cytoplasmic anchoring of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) by A-kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) is required for meiotic arrest of porcine full-grown and growing oocytes JOURNAL Biol Reprod 90 (3), 58 (2014) PUBMED 24501172 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1425)...
NM_214026.1 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2177) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2177) AUTHORS...
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2104) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2104) AUTHORS...
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2012) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2012) AUTHORS...
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2085) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2085) AUTHORS...
V.M., Klumperman,J. and Verhage,M. TITLE Quantification of synapse formation and maintenance in vivo in the absence of synaptic release JOURNAL Neuroscience 126 (1), 115-126 (2004) PUBMED 15145078 REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 2559) AUTHORS Sakaguchi,G., Manabe,T., Kobayashi,K., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Maeda,M., Igarashi,H., Katsuura,G., Nishioka,H., Mizoguchi,A., Itohara,S., Takahashi,T. and Takai,Y. TITLE Doc2alpha is an activity-dependent modulator of excitatory synaptic transmission JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 11 (12), 4262-4268 (1999) PUBMED 10594652 REFERENCE 10 (bases 1 to 2559) AUTHORS...
J.P. TITLE Different spatiotemporal expression of DOC2 genes in the developing rat brain argues for an additional, nonsynaptic role of DOC2B in early development JOURNAL Eur J Neurosci 12 (1), 165-171 (2000) PUBMED 10651871 REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 1447) AUTHORS Nagano,F., Orita,S., Sasaki,T., Naito,A., Sakaguchi,G., Maeda,M., Watanabe,T., Kominami,E., Uchiyama,Y. and Takai,Y. TITLE Interaction of Doc2 with tctex-1, a light chain of cytoplasmic dynein. Implication in dynein-dependent vesicle transport JOURNAL J Biol Chem 273 (46), 30065-30068 (1998) PUBMED 9804756 REFERENCE 6 (bases 1 to 1447)...
REMARK GeneRIF: NGF, by enhancing Mos in late spermatocytes, is one of the intra-testicular factors which adjusts the number of round spermatids that can be supported by Sertoli cells Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 1308) AUTHORS Nishimura,T., Shimaoka,T., Kano,K. and Naito,K. TITLE Insufficient amount of Cdc2 and continuous activation of Wee1 B are the cause of meiotic failure in porcine growing oocytes JOURNAL J Reprod Dev 55 (5), 553-557 (2009) PUBMED 19550110 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1308) AUTHORS Ohashi,S., Naito,K., Sugiura,K., Iwamori,N., Goto,S., Naruoka,H. and...
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 443) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 443) CONSRTM NCBI...
NR_132173.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 707) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 707) CONSRTM NCBI...
NR_132172.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
PUBMED 24983972 REMARK GeneRIF: Aurora kinase A is unlikely to be involved in CPEB1 activating phosphorylation and cyclin B1 mRNA polyadenylation during meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes. Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1701) AUTHORS Nishimura Y, Kano K and Naito K. TITLE Porcine CPEB1 is involved in Cyclin B translation and meiotic resumption in porcine oocytes JOURNAL Anim. Sci. J. 81 (4), 444-452 (2010) PUBMED 20662813 REMARK GeneRIF: results suggest the involvement of mammalian CPEB1 in Cyclin B syntheses and meiotic resumption in mammalian oocytes...
NM_001097510.1 -
Sus scrofa (pig) -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 254) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 254) CONSRTM NCBI...
NR_132175.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 515) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 515) CONSRTM NCBI...
NR_132174.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Thomas PD. TITLE TreeGrafter: phylogenetic tree-based annotation of proteins with Gene Ontology terms and other annotations JOURNAL Bioinformatics 35 (3), 518-520 (2019) PUBMED 30032202 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 5239) AUTHORS Takahashi M, Tamura K, Buscher D, Masuya H, Yonei-Tamura S, Matsumoto K, Naitoh-Matsuo M, Takeuchi J, Ogura K, Shiroishi T, Ogura T and Izpisua Belmonte JC. TITLE The role of Alx-4 in the establishment of anteroposterior polarity during vertebrate limb development JOURNAL Development 125 (22), 4417-4425 (1998) PUBMED 9778501 REMARK Erratum:...
NM_001397959.1 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
Thomas PD. TITLE TreeGrafter: phylogenetic tree-based annotation of proteins with Gene Ontology terms and other annotations JOURNAL Bioinformatics 35 (3), 518-520 (2019) PUBMED 30032202 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 5253) AUTHORS Takahashi M, Tamura K, Buscher D, Masuya H, Yonei-Tamura S, Matsumoto K, Naitoh-Matsuo M, Takeuchi J, Ogura K, Shiroishi T, Ogura T and Izpisua Belmonte JC. TITLE The role of Alx-4 in the establishment of anteroposterior polarity during vertebrate limb development JOURNAL Development 125 (22), 4417-4425 (1998) PUBMED 9778501 REMARK Erratum:...
NM_001397958.1 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 87) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 87) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001184472.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 309) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 309) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001179902.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 264) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 264) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001184591.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 354) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 354) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001348831.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 291) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 291) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001431138.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 447) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 447) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001179954.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 345) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 345) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001180000.3 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 579) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 579) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001348833.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 456) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 456) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001180022.3 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 495) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 495) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001348832.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 285) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 285) CONSRTM NCBI...
Synonym: YFL011W-A
NM_001180024.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
Davis,R.W., Dujon,B., Feldmann,H., Galibert,F., Hoheisel,J.D., Jacq,C., Johnston,M., Louis,E.J., Mewes,H.W., Murakami,Y., Philippsen,P., Tettelin,H. and Oliver,S.G. TITLE Life with 6000 genes JOURNAL Science 274 (5287), 546 (1996) PUBMED 8849441 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 483) AUTHORS Murakami,Y., Naitou,M., Hagiwara,H., Shibata,T., Ozawa,M., Sasanuma,S., Sasanuma,M., Tsuchiya,Y., Soeda,E., Yokoyama,K. et al. TITLE Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of chromosome VI from Saccharomyces cerevisiae JOURNAL Nat. Genet. 10 (3), 261-268 (1995) PUBMED 7670463 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 483) CONSRTM NCBI...
NM_001179899.1 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C -
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If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596.
[Full Text]