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2025-03-12 22:17:01, GGRNA.v2 : RefSeq release 228 (Jan, 2025)

LOCUS       NM_001105886            2483 bp    mRNA    linear   ROD 20-MAR-2023
DEFINITION  Rattus norvegicus homeo box D13 (Hoxd13), mRNA.
ACCESSION   NM_001105886 XM_001063399 XM_221511
VERSION     NM_001105886.1
KEYWORDS    RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE      Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
  ORGANISM  Rattus norvegicus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Wang B, Li N, Geng J, Wang Z, Fu Q, Wang J and Xu Y.
  TITLE     Exome sequencing identifies a novel nonsense mutation of HOXD13 in
            a Chinese family with synpolydactyly
  JOURNAL   Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 57 (1), 4-7 (2017)
   PUBMED   27254532
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Kherdjemil Y, Lalonde RL, Sheth R, Dumouchel A, de Martino G,
            Pineault KM, Wellik DM, Stadler HS, Akimenko MA and Kmita M.
  TITLE     Evolution of Hoxa11 regulation in vertebrates is linked to the
            pentadactyl state
  JOURNAL   Nature 539 (7627), 89-92 (2016)
   PUBMED   27706137
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Zhu YP, Li EH, Sun WL, Xu DL, Liu ZH, Zhao W, Wood K, Xia SJ and
            Jiang JT.
  TITLE     Maternal exposure to di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) induces combined
            anorectal and urogenital malformations in male rat offspring
  JOURNAL   Reprod Toxicol 61, 169-176 (2016)
   PUBMED   27079746
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Ibrahim DM, Tayebi N, Knaus A, Stiege AC, Sahebzamani A, Hecht J,
            Mundlos S and Spielmann M.
  TITLE     A homozygous HOXD13 missense mutation causes a severe form of
            synpolydactyly with metacarpal to carpal transformation
  JOURNAL   Am J Med Genet A 170 (3), 615-621 (2016)
   PUBMED   26581570
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Wang F, Du M, Wang R, Zhou J, Zhang W and Li H.
  TITLE     Molecular mechanism of Hoxd13-mediated congenital malformations in
            rat embryos
  JOURNAL   Int J Clin Exp Pathol 8 (12), 15591-15598 (2015)
   PUBMED   26884828
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Hoxd13 expression was decreased in rat embryos with
            congenital malformations. The administration of exogenous Hoxd13
            alleviated fetal malformation probably through stimulation of Slim1
            expression and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway.
            Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   6  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Herault Y, Hraba-Renevey S, van der Hoeven F and Duboule D.
  TITLE     Function of the Evx-2 gene in the morphogenesis of vertebrate limbs
  JOURNAL   EMBO J 15 (23), 6727-6738 (1996)
   PUBMED   8978698
REFERENCE   7  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Zakany J and Duboule D.
  TITLE     Synpolydactyly in mice with a targeted deficiency in the HoxD
  JOURNAL   Nature 384 (6604), 69-71 (1996)
   PUBMED   8900279
REFERENCE   8  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Akarsu AN, Stoilov I, Yilmaz E, Sayli BS and Sarfarazi M.
  TITLE     Genomic structure of HOXD13 gene: a nine polyalanine duplication
            causes synpolydactyly in two unrelated families
  JOURNAL   Hum Mol Genet 5 (7), 945-952 (1996)
   PUBMED   8817328
REFERENCE   9  (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Davis AP and Capecchi MR.
  TITLE     A mutational analysis of the 5' HoxD genes: dissection of genetic
            interactions during limb development in the mouse
  JOURNAL   Development 122 (4), 1175-1185 (1996)
   PUBMED   8620844
REFERENCE   10 (bases 1 to 2483)
  AUTHORS   Dolle P, Dierich A, LeMeur M, Schimmang T, Schuhbaur B, Chambon P
            and Duboule D.
  TITLE     Disruption of the Hoxd-13 gene induces localized heterochrony
            leading to mice with neotenic limbs
  JOURNAL   Cell 75 (3), 431-441 (1993)
   PUBMED   8106170
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from CH473949.1.
            On or before Oct 3, 2007 this sequence version replaced
            XM_221511.3, XM_001063399.1.
            Publication Note:  This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
            publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
            record to access additional publications.
            RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns SAMN09345330,
                              SAMN09345331 [ECO:0000348]
            RefSeq Select criteria :: based on single protein-coding transcript
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..2483
                     /organism="Rattus norvegicus"
     gene            1..2483
                     /note="homeo box D13"
     exon            1..768
     CDS             24..1019
                     /product="homeobox protein Hox-D13"
     misc_feature    <360..503
                     /note="Hox protein A13 N terminal; Region: HoxA13_N;
     misc_feature    816..986
                     /note="Region: Homeodomain; pfam00046"
     exon            769..2483

by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]