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2025-02-04 03:29:29, GGRNA.v2 : RefSeq release 227 (Nov, 2024)

LOCUS       NM_182689               1088 bp    mRNA    linear   PRI 21-SEP-2024
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens ephrin A4 (EFNA4), transcript variant 2, mRNA.
VERSION     NM_182689.2
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Yuan,W., Zhao,H., Zhou,A. and Wang,S.
  TITLE     Interference of EFNA4 suppresses cell proliferation, invasion and
            angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma by downregulating PYGO2
  JOURNAL   Cancer Biol Ther 23 (1), 1-12 (2022)
   PUBMED   36404439
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Interference of EFNA4 suppresses cell proliferation,
            invasion and angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma by
            downregulating PYGO2.
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Kousathanas,A., Pairo-Castineira,E., Rawlik,K., Stuckey,A.,
            Odhams,C.A., Walker,S., Russell,C.D., Malinauskas,T., Wu,Y.,
            Millar,J., Shen,X., Elliott,K.S., Griffiths,F., Oosthuyzen,W.,
            Morrice,K., Keating,S., Wang,B., Rhodes,D., Klaric,L., Zechner,M.,
            Parkinson,N., Siddiq,A., Goddard,P., Donovan,S., Maslove,D.,
            Nichol,A., Semple,M.G., Zainy,T., Maleady-Crowe,F., Todd,L.,
            Salehi,S., Knight,J., Elgar,G., Chan,G., Arumugam,P., Patch,C.,
            Rendon,A., Bentley,D., Kingsley,C., Kosmicki,J.A., Horowitz,J.E.,
            Baras,A., Abecasis,G.R., Ferreira,M.A.R., Justice,A., Mirshahi,T.,
            Oetjens,M., Rader,D.J., Ritchie,M.D., Verma,A., Fowler,T.A.,
            Shankar-Hari,M., Summers,C., Hinds,C., Horby,P., Ling,L.,
            McAuley,D., Montgomery,H., Openshaw,P.J.M., Elliott,P., Walsh,T.,
            Tenesa,A., Fawkes,A., Murphy,L., Rowan,K., Ponting,C.P., Vitart,V.,
            Wilson,J.F., Yang,J., Bretherick,A.D., Scott,R.H., Hendry,S.C.,
            Moutsianas,L., Law,A., Caulfield,M.J. and Baillie,J.K.
  CONSRTM   GenOMICC investigators; 23andMe investigators; COVID-19 Human
            Genetics Initiative
  TITLE     Whole-genome sequencing reveals host factors underlying critical
  JOURNAL   Nature 607 (7917), 97-103 (2022)
   PUBMED   35255492
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Huttlin,E.L., Bruckner,R.J., Navarrete-Perea,J., Cannon,J.R.,
            Baltier,K., Gebreab,F., Gygi,M.P., Thornock,A., Zarraga,G., Tam,S.,
            Szpyt,J., Gassaway,B.M., Panov,A., Parzen,H., Fu,S., Golbazi,A.,
            Maenpaa,E., Stricker,K., Guha Thakurta,S., Zhang,T., Rad,R.,
            Pan,J., Nusinow,D.P., Paulo,J.A., Schweppe,D.K., Vaites,L.P.,
            Harper,J.W. and Gygi,S.P.
  TITLE     Dual proteome-scale networks reveal cell-specific remodeling of the
            human interactome
  JOURNAL   Cell 184 (11), 3022-3040 (2021)
   PUBMED   33961781
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Chen,Y.L., Yen,Y.C., Jang,C.W., Wang,S.H., Huang,H.T., Chen,C.H.,
            Hsiao,J.R., Chang,J.Y. and Chen,Y.W.
  TITLE     Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell migration and
            spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression in oral
            squamous cell carcinoma cells
  JOURNAL   Sci Rep 11 (1), 644 (2021)
   PUBMED   33436772
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 signaling promotes cell
            migration and spheroid formation by upregulating NANOG expression
            in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.
            Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E., Bian,W.,
            Brignall,R., Cafarelli,T., Campos-Laborie,F.J., Charloteaux,B.,
            Choi,D., Cote,A.G., Daley,M., Deimling,S., Desbuleux,A., Dricot,A.,
            Gebbia,M., Hardy,M.F., Kishore,N., Knapp,J.J., Kovacs,I.A.,
            Lemmens,I., Mee,M.W., Mellor,J.C., Pollis,C., Pons,C.,
            Richardson,A.D., Schlabach,S., Teeking,B., Yadav,A., Babor,M.,
            Balcha,D., Basha,O., Bowman-Colin,C., Chin,S.F., Choi,S.G.,
            Colabella,C., Coppin,G., D'Amata,C., De Ridder,D., De Rouck,S.,
            Duran-Frigola,M., Ennajdaoui,H., Goebels,F., Goehring,L., Gopal,A.,
            Haddad,G., Hatchi,E., Helmy,M., Jacob,Y., Kassa,Y., Landini,S.,
            Li,R., van Lieshout,N., MacWilliams,A., Markey,D., Paulson,J.N.,
            Rangarajan,S., Rasla,J., Rayhan,A., Rolland,T., San-Miguel,A.,
            Shen,Y., Sheykhkarimli,D., Sheynkman,G.M., Simonovsky,E., Tasan,M.,
            Tejeda,A., Tropepe,V., Twizere,J.C., Wang,Y., Weatheritt,R.J.,
            Weile,J., Xia,Y., Yang,X., Yeger-Lotem,E., Zhong,Q., Aloy,P.,
            Bader,G.D., De Las Rivas,J., Gaudet,S., Hao,T., Rak,J.,
            Tavernier,J., Hill,D.E., Vidal,M., Roth,F.P. and Calderwood,M.A.
  TITLE     A reference map of the human binary protein interactome
  JOURNAL   Nature 580 (7803), 402-408 (2020)
   PUBMED   32296183
REFERENCE   6  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Zhou,R.
  TITLE     The Eph family receptors and ligands
  JOURNAL   Pharmacol Ther 77 (3), 151-181 (1998)
   PUBMED   9576626
  REMARK    Review article
REFERENCE   7  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Flanagan,J.G. and Vanderhaeghen,P.
  TITLE     The ephrins and Eph receptors in neural development
  JOURNAL   Annu Rev Neurosci 21, 309-345 (1998)
   PUBMED   9530499
  REMARK    Review article
REFERENCE   8  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Gale,N.W., Holland,S.J., Valenzuela,D.M., Flenniken,A., Pan,L.,
            Ryan,T.E., Henkemeyer,M., Strebhardt,K., Hirai,H., Wilkinson,D.G.,
            Pawson,T., Davis,S. and Yancopoulos,G.D.
  TITLE     Eph receptors and ligands comprise two major specificity subclasses
            and are reciprocally compartmentalized during embryogenesis
  JOURNAL   Neuron 17 (1), 9-19 (1996)
   PUBMED   8755474
REFERENCE   9  (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Cerretti,D.P., Lyman,S.D., Kozlosky,C.J., Copeland,N.G.,
            Gilbert,D.J., Jenkins,N.A., Valentine,V., Kirstein,M.N.,
            Shapiro,D.N. and Morris,S.W.
  TITLE     The genes encoding the eph-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligands
            LERK-1 (EPLG1, Epl1), LERK-3 (EPLG3, Epl3), and LERK-4 (EPLG4,
            Epl4) are clustered on human chromosome 1 and mouse chromosome 3
  JOURNAL   Genomics 33 (2), 277-282 (1996)
   PUBMED   8660976
REFERENCE   10 (bases 1 to 1088)
  AUTHORS   Kozlosky,C.J., Maraskovsky,E., McGrew,J.T., VandenBos,T., Teepe,M.,
            Lyman,S.D., Srinivasan,S., Fletcher,F.A., Gayle,R.B. 3rd,
            Cerretti,D.P. et al.
  TITLE     Ligands for the receptor tyrosine kinases hek and elk: isolation of
            cDNAs encoding a family of proteins
  JOURNAL   Oncogene 10 (2), 299-306 (1995)
   PUBMED   7838529
COMMENT     REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The
            reference sequence was derived from BM740848.1, BE780161.1,
            AI459151.1 and BQ940212.1.
            On May 31, 2019 this sequence version replaced NM_182689.1.
            Summary: This gene encodes a member of the ephrin (EPH) family. The
            ephrins and EPH-related receptors comprise the largest subfamily of
            receptor protein-tyrosine kinases and have been implicated in
            mediating developmental events, especially in the nervous system
            and in erythropoiesis. Based on their structures and sequence
            relationships, ephrins are divided into the ephrin-A (EFNA) class,
            which are anchored to the membrane by a
            glycosylphosphatidylinositol linkage, and the ephrin-B (EFNB)
            class, which are transmembrane proteins. This gene encodes an EFNA
            class ephrin that has been implicated in proliferation and
            metastasis of several types of cancers. [provided by RefSeq, May
            Transcript Variant: This variant (2) uses an alternate splice site
            in the 3' coding region, compared to variant 1, that results in a
            downstream translation termination. It encodes isoform b which has
            a little longer and distinct C-terminus compared to isoform a.
            Publication Note:  This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
            publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
            record to access additional publications.
            Transcript exon combination :: SRR14038194.4081263.1,
                                           SRR14038192.4003546.1 [ECO:0000332]
            coronavirus related :: locus in the vicinity of disease-associated
            COMPLETENESS: complete on the 3' end.
            1-614               BM740848.1         4-617
            615-908             BE780161.1         338-631
            909-1083            AI459151.1         16-190              c
            1084-1088           BQ940212.1         477-481
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1088
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     gene            1..1088
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /note="ephrin A4"
     exon            1..197
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       2
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       3
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       4
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       9
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       10
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       11
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       13..15
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       13
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       14
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       16
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       17
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       18
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       21..26
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       22
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       25
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       26
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       28
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       29
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       30
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       32
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       34
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       35
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       40
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       41
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       42
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       43
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       44
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       45
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       46..48
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       46
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       48
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       49
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       52
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       53..62
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       53
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       54
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       55
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       59..60
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       59
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       60
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       62
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       64
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       67
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       69
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       71
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       73
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       75
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       77
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       78
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       84
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     CDS             85..708
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /note="isoform b precursor is encoded by transcript
                     variant 2; ligand of eph-related kinase 4; eph-related
                     receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 4"
                     /product="ephrin-A4 isoform b precursor"
     sig_peptide     85..150
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /inference="COORDINATES: ab initio prediction:SignalP:6.0"
     misc_feature    163..540
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /note="Ectodomain of Ephrin A; Region:
                     Ephrin-A_Ectodomain; cd10425"
     misc_feature    181..183
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (P52798.1); glycosylation site"
     misc_feature    order(241..243,364..378,403..408,427..444,448..453)
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /note="receptor binding site [polypeptide binding]; other
     variation       85
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       87
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       88
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       89
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       92
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       98
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       99
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       100
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       101
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       107
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       108
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       109
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       112
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       113
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       115
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       117
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       121
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       124
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       125
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       126
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       132
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       133
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       134
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       137
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       138
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       140
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       142
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       144
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       146
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       147
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       149
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       150
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       151
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       152
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       153
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       154
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       155
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       157
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       158
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       159
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       161
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       163
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       164
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       165
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       168
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       169
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       171
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       175
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       176
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       177
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       178
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       181
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       183
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       186
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       187
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       188
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       189
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       190..191
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       192
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       194
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       195
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       197
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     exon            198..484
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       198
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       205
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       206
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       207
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       211
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       213
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       214
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       216
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       217
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       226
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       227
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       233
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       236
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       237
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       238
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       242
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       243
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       244
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       251
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       252..257
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       259
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       261
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       262
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       263
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       265
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       267
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       268
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       277
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       278
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       279
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       280..284
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       280
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       281
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       282
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       283
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       284
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       285..289
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       285
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       286
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       288
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       290
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       294
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       295
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       296
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       298
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       299
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       300
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       309
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       310
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       313
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       314
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       315
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       318
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       321
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       324
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       326
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       327
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       328
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       329
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       330
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       331..333
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       333
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       334
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       335
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       336
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       338
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       340
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       342
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       344
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       345
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       347
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       349
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       350
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       351
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       352..353
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       353
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       354..358
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       354
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       356
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       358
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       359..361
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       359
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       362
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       364
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       365
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       366
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       368
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       369
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       370
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       371
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       372
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       373
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       374..376
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       378
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       381
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       383..384
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       387
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       388..389
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       388
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       391
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       399
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       403
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       405
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       408
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       409
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       411
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       416
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       417
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       420
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       424
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       425
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       431
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       432
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       433
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       434
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       439
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       440
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       444
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       445
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       447
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       450
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       456
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       459
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       460
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       463..464
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       469
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       470
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       473
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       474
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       475
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       476
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       477
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       479
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       480
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       482
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       484
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     exon            485..553
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       485
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       486
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       487
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       492
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       493
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       499
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       501
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       506
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       509
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       513
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       515
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       517
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       519
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       521
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       522
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       525
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       528
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       530
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       534..536
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       534
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       535
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       537
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       538
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       539
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       547
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     exon            554..1088
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       556
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       558
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       559
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       561
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       561
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       562
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       563..570
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       565
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       570
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       571
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       578..579
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       579
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       579
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       583
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       585
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       586..587
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       590
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       594
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       596
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       597
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       600
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       601
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       605
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       607
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       610..614
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       615
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       616
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       619..620
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       620
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       623
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       624
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       627
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       628
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       629
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       631
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       633
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       637..638
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       638
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       643
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       648
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       652
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       654
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       655
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       657
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       661
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       667
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       678
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       679
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       680
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       681
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       683
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       684
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       686
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       689
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       691
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       696
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       697
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       698
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       699
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       703
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       708..714
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       709
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       716
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       720
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       722
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       725
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       726
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       727
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       731
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       733
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       735..738
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       735
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       747
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       748
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       749
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       751
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       752
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       754
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       757..761
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       760
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       764
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       765
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       766
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       768
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       774
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       779
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       786
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       787
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       791
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       799
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       800
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       801
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       802
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       810..811
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       810
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       811
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       812
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       813
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       829
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       833
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       835
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       836
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       837
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       842
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       845
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       847
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       848
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       853
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       854
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       856
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       860
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       864
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       866
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       869
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       872
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       874
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       875
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       876
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       876
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       877
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       879
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       883
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       889
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       890
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       895..903
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       897
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       901
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       904..906
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       905
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       906..907
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       908
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       910
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       913
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       919
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       921
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       922
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       927
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       929
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       936
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       940
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       946
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       950
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       950
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       953
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       958
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       962
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       963
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       967
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       968
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       970
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       971..974
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       971
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       972
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       980
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       981
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       982
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       989
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       990..991
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       990
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1001
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1018
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1022
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1023
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1032
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1033
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1036
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1037
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1040
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1042
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1043
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1044
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1045
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1049
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1050
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     regulatory      1055..1060
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /note="hexamer: AATAAA"
     variation       1055
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1056
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1057
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1058
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1061
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1069
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1071
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1073..1078
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     variation       1085
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
     polyA_site      1088
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"
                     /note="major polyA site"
     variation       1088
                     /gene_synonym="EFL4; EPLG4; LERK-4; LERK4"

by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]