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2025-02-23 12:58:37, GGRNA : RefSeq release 228 (Jan, 2025)
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Thomas PD. TITLE TreeGrafter: phylogenetic tree-based annotation of proteins with Gene Ontology terms and other annotations JOURNAL Bioinformatics 35 (3), 518-520 (2019) PUBMED 30032202 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 5239) AUTHORS Takahashi M, Tamura K, Buscher D, Masuya H, Yonei-Tamura S, Matsumoto K, Naitoh-Matsuo M, Takeuchi J, Ogura K, Shiroishi T, Ogura T and Izpisua Belmonte JC. TITLE The role of Alx-4 in the establishment of anteroposterior polarity during vertebrate limb development JOURNAL Development 125 (22), 4417-4425 (1998) PUBMED 9778501 REMARK Erratum:...
NM_001397959.1 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
Thomas PD. TITLE TreeGrafter: phylogenetic tree-based annotation of proteins with Gene Ontology terms and other annotations JOURNAL Bioinformatics 35 (3), 518-520 (2019) PUBMED 30032202 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 5253) AUTHORS Takahashi M, Tamura K, Buscher D, Masuya H, Yonei-Tamura S, Matsumoto K, Naitoh-Matsuo M, Takeuchi J, Ogura K, Shiroishi T, Ogura T and Izpisua Belmonte JC. TITLE The role of Alx-4 in the establishment of anteroposterior polarity during vertebrate limb development JOURNAL Development 125 (22), 4417-4425 (1998) PUBMED 9778501 REMARK Erratum:...
NM_001397958.1 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
Thomas PD. TITLE TreeGrafter: phylogenetic tree-based annotation of proteins with Gene Ontology terms and other annotations JOURNAL Bioinformatics 35 (3), 518-520 (2019) PUBMED 30032202 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 5479) AUTHORS Takahashi M, Tamura K, Buscher D, Masuya H, Yonei-Tamura S, Matsumoto K, Naitoh-Matsuo M, Takeuchi J, Ogura K, Shiroishi T, Ogura T and Izpisua Belmonte JC. TITLE The role of Alx-4 in the establishment of anteroposterior polarity during vertebrate limb development JOURNAL Development 125 (22), 4417-4425 (1998) PUBMED 9778501 REMARK Erratum:...
NM_204162.2 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
stem cells to a germ cell fate JOURNAL Dev Biol 330 (1), 73-82 (2009) PUBMED 19324033 REMARK GeneRIF: Thus, our results demonstrate that Vasa can drive ES cell differentiation towards the germ cell lineage, both in vitro and in vivo REFERENCE 7 (bases 1 to 2948) AUTHORS Minematsu T, Harumi T and Naito M. TITLE Germ cell-specific expression of GFP gene induced by chicken vasa homologue (Cvh) promoter in early chicken embryos JOURNAL Mol Reprod Dev 75 (10), 1515-1522 (2008) PUBMED 18324671 REMARK GeneRIF: Cvh promoter provide the basis for for visualization, purification and genetical...
NM_204708.3 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
of the chicken retina JOURNAL Gene Expr Patterns 9 (5), 306-313 (2009) PUBMED 19272464 REMARK GeneRIF: Results suggest that Fgf19 is expressed by the early migratory horizontal precursors, and later by the presumptive axon-bearing HCs. REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 2256) AUTHORS Okamoto M, Tomonari S, Naito Y, Saigo K, Noji S, Ui-Tei K and Ohuchi H. TITLE Introduction of silencing-inducing transgene against Fgf19 does not affect expression of Tbx5 and beta3-tubulin in the developing chicken retina JOURNAL Dev Growth Differ 50 (3), 159-168 (2008) PUBMED 18312426 REMARK GeneRIF: Fgf19 is not required...
Synonym: FGF-19
NM_204674.3 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
gene="HNF4A" /gene_synonym="HNF4alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 1332..3375 /gene="HNF4A" /gene_synonym="HNF4alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 3375) AUTHORS Jiang S, Tanaka T, Yagami R, Hasegawa G, Umezu H, Fujiyoshi Y, Kodama T, Naito M and Ajioka Y. TITLE Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha in vertebrates JOURNAL Microsc Res Tech 84 (12), 2906-2914 (2021) PUBMED 34196449 REMARK GeneRIF: Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha in vertebrates. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 3375) AUTHORS...
Synonym: HNF4alpha
NM_001396806.1 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
gene="HNF4A" /gene_synonym="HNF4alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 1374..3417 /gene="HNF4A" /gene_synonym="HNF4alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 3417) AUTHORS Jiang S, Tanaka T, Yagami R, Hasegawa G, Umezu H, Fujiyoshi Y, Kodama T, Naito M and Ajioka Y. TITLE Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha in vertebrates JOURNAL Microsc Res Tech 84 (12), 2906-2914 (2021) PUBMED 34196449 REMARK GeneRIF: Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha in vertebrates. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 3417) AUTHORS...
Synonym: HNF4alpha
NM_001030855.2 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
gene="HNF4A" /gene_synonym="HNF4alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" exon 1377..3420 /gene="HNF4A" /gene_synonym="HNF4alpha" /inference="alignment:Splign:2.1.0" ORIGIN // REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 3420) AUTHORS Jiang S, Tanaka T, Yagami R, Hasegawa G, Umezu H, Fujiyoshi Y, Kodama T, Naito M and Ajioka Y. TITLE Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha in vertebrates JOURNAL Microsc Res Tech 84 (12), 2906-2914 (2021) PUBMED 34196449 REMARK GeneRIF: Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha in vertebrates. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 3420) AUTHORS...
Synonym: HNF4alpha
NM_001396805.1 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
N and Hunter S. TITLE Manual GO annotation of predictive protein signatures: the InterPro approach to GO curation JOURNAL Database (Oxford) 2012, bar068 (2012) PUBMED 22301074 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4009) AUTHORS Sasaki E, Hikono H, Kaku Y, Kuwana T, Naito M and Sakurai M. TITLE ephA9, a novel avian receptor tyrosine kinase gene JOURNAL Gene 316, 103-110 (2003) PUBMED 14563556...
Synonym: EPHA9
NM_204360.3 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
TITLE Manual GO annotation of predictive protein signatures: the InterPro approach to GO curation JOURNAL Database (Oxford) 2012, bar068 (2012) PUBMED 22301074 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 5044) AUTHORS Sasaki,E., Okamura,H., Chikamune,T., Kanai,Y., Watanabe,M., Naito,M. and Sakurai,M. TITLE Cloning and expression of the chicken c-kit proto-oncogene JOURNAL Gene 128 (2), 257-261 (1993) PUBMED 7685729...
Synonym: SCFR
NM_204361.1 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
depend on the molecular technique used. Considering that detection of this mutation will not only have a diagnostic value, but also a role in treatment given the development of JAK2(V617F) pathway inhibiting drugs REFERENCE 9 (bases 1 to 7651) AUTHORS Sasaki,E., Hikono,H., Kaku,Y., Kuwana,T., Naito,M. and Sakurai,M. TITLE ephA9, a novel avian receptor tyrosine kinase gene JOURNAL Gene 316, 103-110 (2003) PUBMED 14563556...
Synonym: JAK-2
NM_001030538.3 -
Gallus gallus (chicken) -
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GGRNA ver.2 by
@meso_cacase at
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596.
[Full Text]