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2024-09-28 09:29:13, GGRNA.v2 : RefSeq release 225 (Jul, 2024)

LOCUS       NM_001405851            1539 bp    mRNA    linear   VRT 08-APR-2024
DEFINITION  Gallus gallus T cell leukemia homeobox 3 (TLX3), mRNA.
ACCESSION   NM_001405851 XM_040647080 XM_040682874
VERSION     NM_001405851.1
SOURCE      Gallus gallus (chicken)
  ORGANISM  Gallus gallus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Archelosauria; Archosauria; Dinosauria; Saurischia; Theropoda;
            Coelurosauria; Aves; Neognathae; Galloanserae; Galliformes;
            Phasianidae; Phasianinae; Gallus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1539)
  AUTHORS   Tang,H., Finn,R.D. and Thomas,P.D.
  TITLE     TreeGrafter: phylogenetic tree-based annotation of proteins with
            Gene Ontology terms and other annotations
  JOURNAL   Bioinformatics 35 (3), 518-520 (2019)
   PUBMED   30032202
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1539)
  AUTHORS   Burge,S., Kelly,E., Lonsdale,D., Mutowo-Muellenet,P., McAnulla,C.,
            Mitchell,A., Sangrador-Vegas,A., Yong,S.Y., Mulder,N. and Hunter,S.
  TITLE     Manual GO annotation of predictive protein signatures: the InterPro
            approach to GO curation
  JOURNAL   Database (Oxford) 2012, bar068 (2012)
   PUBMED   22301074
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1539)
  AUTHORS   Ballerini,P., Landman-Parker,J., Cayuela,J.M., Asnafi,V.,
            Labopin,M., Gandemer,V., Perel,Y., Michel,G., Leblanc,T.,
            Schmitt,C., Fasola,S., Hagemejier,A., Sigaux,F., Auclerc,M.F.,
            Douay,L., Leverger,G. and Baruchel,A.
  TITLE     Impact of genotype on survival of children with T-cell acute
            lymphoblastic leukemia treated according to the French protocol
            FRALLE-93: the effect of TLX3/HOX11L2 gene expression on outcome
  JOURNAL   Haematologica 93 (11), 1658-1665 (2008)
   PUBMED   18835836
  REMARK    GeneRIF: TLX3 gene expression is an independent risk factor
            predicting poor survival in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 1539)
  AUTHORS   Hornbruch,A., Ma,G., Ballermann,M.A., Tumova,K., Liu,D. and Cairine
  TITLE     A BMP-mediated transcriptional cascade involving Cash1 and Tlx-3
            specifies first-order relay sensory neurons in the developing
  JOURNAL   Mech Dev 122 (7-8), 900-913 (2005)
   PUBMED   15922575
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Tlx-3, in addition to being required for proper formation
            of somatic as well as visceral sensory neurons in the trigeminal
            and solitary nuclei, respectively, is sufficient for proper
            formation of special somatic sensory neurons in vestibular nuclei
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1 to 1539)
  AUTHORS   Logan,C., Wingate,R.J., McKay,I.J. and Lumsden,A.
  TITLE     Tlx-1 and Tlx-3 homeobox gene expression in cranial sensory ganglia
            and hindbrain of the chick embryo: markers of patterned
  JOURNAL   J Neurosci 18 (14), 5389-5402 (1998)
   PUBMED   9651221
COMMENT     VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
            preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
            On or before May 4, 2022 this sequence version replaced
            XM_040647080.2, XM_040682874.2.
            Transcript exon combination :: ERR7564013.48831.1,
                                           ERR7564012.28858.1 [ECO:0000332]
            RNAseq introns              :: single sample supports all introns
                                           SAMEA103992290, SAMEA3109051
            1-490               JAENSK010000256.1  1542001-1542490     c
            491-734             JAENSK010000256.1  1541661-1541904     c
            735-1539            JAENSK010000256.1  1539819-1540623     c
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1539
                     /organism="Gallus gallus"
     gene            1..1539
                     /note="T cell leukemia homeobox 3"
     exon            1..490
     misc_feature    19..21
                     /note="upstream in-frame stop codon"
     CDS             52..945
                     /note="homeobox TLX-3; homeobox protein Hox-11L2"
                     /product="T-cell leukemia homeobox protein 3"
     misc_feature    52..255
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (O93367.1);
                     Region: Disordered. /evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
     misc_feature    <205..>447
                     /note="DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau;
                     Provisional; Region: PRK14959"
     misc_feature    568..738
                     /note="Region: Homeodomain; pfam00046"
     exon            491..734
     exon            735..1539

by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]