# [ GGRNA.v2 | 2025-03-14 17:47:52 ] # # homeobox 231 # [INTERSECTION] 231 # # accession version gi length symbol synonym geneid division source definition nt_position aa_position NM_001336476 NM_001336476.1 1963 HB-3 homeobox-3; STIMPY; STIP; T1B8.31; T1B8_31; WOX9; WOX9A; WUSCHEL related homeobox 9A; WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 9 817958 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-3 (HB-3), mRNA. NM_128948 NM_128948.4 1620 HB-3 homeobox-3; STIMPY; STIP; T1B8.31; T1B8_31; WOX9; WOX9A; WUSCHEL related homeobox 9A; WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 9 817958 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-3 (HB-3), mRNA. NM_121519 NM_121519.3 1564 HB-3 ATHB-3; ATHB3; F8M21.40; F8M21_40; HAT7; homeobox 3; HOMEOBOX FROM ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA 7; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 831367 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 3 (HB-3), mRNA. NM_126068 NM_126068.3 941 HB53 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 53; ATHB53; HB-8; homeobox 53; HOMEOBOX-8; MSN2.9; MSN2_9 836803 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 53 (HB53), mRNA. NM_179935 NM_179935.2 876 HB22 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 22; ATHB22; F13K3.1; F13K3_1; homeobox protein 22 818233 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 22 (HB22), mRNA. NM_126204 NM_126204.3 1018 HB17 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX-LEUCINE ZIPPER PROTEIN 17; ATHB-17; ATHB17; F2I9.5; F2I9_5; homeobox-leucine zipper protein 17 814671 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein 17 (HB17), partial mRNA. NM_001335062 NM_001335062.1 2359 HB17 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX-LEUCINE ZIPPER PROTEIN 17; ATHB-17; ATHB17; F2I9.5; F2I9_5; homeobox-leucine zipper protein 17 814671 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein 17 (HB17), partial mRNA. NM_127411 NM_127411.2 1058 HB21 ATHB21; F24H14.10; F24H14_10; HB-2; homeobox protein 21; homeobox-2 816370 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 21 (HB21), mRNA. NM_130055 NM_130055.2 1394 HB4 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX-LEUCINE ZIPPER PROTEIN 4; ATHB-4; ATHB4; homeobox-leucine zipper protein 4; T13E15.8 819100 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein 4 (HB4), mRNA. NM_001036473 NM_001036473.1 1308 HB-7 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 7; ATHB-7; ATHB7; homeobox 7; T3A4.6 819280 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 7 (HB-7), mRNA. NM_101923 NM_101923.1 594 WOX10 F2D10.20; F2D10_20; WOX13B; WUSCHEL related homeobox 10; WUSCHEL related homeobox 13B 838661 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 10 (WOX10), partial mRNA. NM_001332460 NM_001332460.1 1365 WOX14 ATWOX14; F2D10.19; F2D10_19; WUSCHEL related homeobox 14; WUSCHEL RELATED HOMEOBOX 14 838660 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 14 (WOX14), mRNA. NM_115903 NM_115903.3 1447 HAT3 HOMEOBOX PROTEIN; homeobox-leucine zipper protein 3 825210 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein 3 (HAT3), mRNA. NM_001332461 NM_001332461.1 866 WOX14 ATWOX14; F2D10.19; F2D10_19; WUSCHEL related homeobox 14; WUSCHEL RELATED HOMEOBOX 14 838660 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 14 (WOX14), partial mRNA. NM_130233 NM_130233.5 1474 HB-7 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 7; ATHB-7; ATHB7; homeobox 7; T3A4.6 819280 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 7 (HB-7), mRNA. NM_120659 NM_120659.2 429 WOX7 MJJ3.18; MJJ3_18; WOX5A; WUSCHEL related homeobox 5A; WUSCHEL related homeobox 7 830462 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 7 (WOX7), partial mRNA. NM_111961 NM_111961.4 1052 WOX5 WOX5B; WUSCHEL related homeobox 5; WUSCHEL related homeobox 5B 820297 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 5 (WOX5), mRNA. NM_101922 NM_101922.3 826 WOX14 ATWOX14; F2D10.19; F2D10_19; WUSCHEL related homeobox 14; WUSCHEL RELATED HOMEOBOX 14 838660 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 14 (WOX14), partial mRNA. NM_116054 NM_116054.3 1054 HB-12 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 12; ATHB-12; ATHB12; homeobox 12 825362 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 12 (HB-12), mRNA. NM_123966 NM_123966.3 1151 WOX8 MCL19.2; MCL19_2; STIMPY-LIKE; STPL; WOX9B; WUSCHEL related homeobox 8; WUSCHEL related homeobox 9B 834638 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 8 (WOX8), mRNA. NM_125939 NM_125939.3 1553 HB25 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 25; ATHB25; homeobox protein 25; MNA5.14; MNA5_14; ZFHD2; ZHD1; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 1; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 2 836666 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 25 (HB25), mRNA. NM_117780 NM_117780.4 1333 HB-2 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 2; ATHB-2; ATHB2; DL4415W; FCAALL.101; HAT4; homeobox protein 2 827384 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 2 (HB-2), mRNA. NM_001036861 NM_001036861.1 1891 KNAT3 F21J6.18; F21J6_18; KNAT3 HOMEOBOX PROTEIN; KNOTTED1-like homeobox gene 3 832593 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein knotted-1-like 3 (KNAT3), mRNA. NM_001341690 NM_001341690.1 820 HB22 ATHB22; F22K18.140; F22K18_140; homeobox protein 22; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 22; MATERNAL EFFECT EMBRYO ARREST 68; MEE68; ZHD2; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 2 828568 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 22 (HB22), partial mRNA. NM_118599 NM_118599.2 1284 HB22 ATHB22; F22K18.140; F22K18_140; homeobox protein 22; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 22; MATERNAL EFFECT EMBRYO ARREST 68; MEE68; ZHD2; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 2 828568 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 22 (HB22), mRNA. NM_122431 NM_122431.3 2046 KNAT3 F21J6.18; F21J6_18; KNAT3 HOMEOBOX PROTEIN; KNOTTED1-like homeobox gene 3 832593 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein knotted-1-like 3 (KNAT3), mRNA. NM_001335126 NM_001335126.1 1223 HB21 ATHB21; homeobox protein 21; T8K22.16; T8K22_16; ZFHD4; ZHD3; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 3; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 4 814784 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 21 (HB21), mRNA. NM_127392 NM_127392.1 1065 HB24 AtHB24; homeobox protein 24; T30D6.14; T30D6_14; ZHD6; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 6 816350 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 24 (HB24), mRNA. NM_126310 NM_126310.3 1404 HB21 ATHB21; homeobox protein 21; T8K22.16; T8K22_16; ZFHD4; ZHD3; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 3; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 4 814784 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 21 (HB21), mRNA. NM_001198174 NM_001198174.2 1269 ATHB54 HB54; homeobox protein 54 10723019 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (ATHB54), mRNA. NM_105760 NM_105760.6 1099 HB18 ATHB18; F15H11.30; homeobox-leucine zipper protein 18 843431 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein 18 (HB18), mRNA. NM_111013 NM_111013.4 1440 HB-1 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 1; ATHB-1; ATHB1; F4P13.2; F4P13_2; HAT5; HD-ZIP-1; homeobox 1; HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN FROM ARABIDOIPSIS THALIANA 5 821138 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 1 (HB-1), mRNA. NM_001334482 NM_001334482.1 1187 HB18 ATHB18; F15H11.30; homeobox-leucine zipper protein 18 843431 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein 18 (HB18), mRNA. NM_120754 NM_120754.5 1639 HAT14 homeobox from Arabidopsis thaliana; MPH15.6; MPH15_6 830560 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox leucine zipper protein (HAT14), mRNA. NM_102460 NM_102460.4 1330 AtHB23 HB23; homeobox protein 23; T2P11.15; T2P11_15 839587 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 23 (AtHB23), mRNA. NM_001332739 NM_001332739.1 1396 ATHB54 HB54; homeobox protein 54 10723019 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (ATHB54), mRNA. NM_101337 NM_101337.4 972 HB32 AtHB32; homeobox protein 32; ZHD14; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 14 838033 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 32 (HB32), mRNA. NM_001332742 NM_001332742.1 1104 ATHB54 HB54; homeobox protein 54 10723019 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (ATHB54), mRNA. NM_001332740 NM_001332740.1 1371 ATHB54 HB54; homeobox protein 54 10723019 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (ATHB54), mRNA. NM_001203398 NM_001203398.1 1176 WOX12 MVA3.17; MVA3_17; WUSCHEL related homeobox 12 831649 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 12 (WOX12), mRNA. NM_001332741 NM_001332741.1 1244 ATHB54 HB54; homeobox protein 54 10723019 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (ATHB54), mRNA. NM_114949 NM_114949.2 1266 HB28 AtHB28; homeobox protein 28; ZHD7; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 7 824253 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 28 (HB28), mRNA. NM_125441 NM_125441.2 965 HB26 AtHB26; homeobox protein 26; MUF9.11; MUF9_11; ZHD12; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 12 836169 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 26 (HB26), mRNA. NM_102187 NM_102187.4 1306 KNAT6 F26F24.32; F26F24_32; KNAT6L; KNAT6S; KNOTTED1-like homeobox gene 6 838946 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein knotted-1-like 6 (KNAT6), mRNA. NM_123643 NM_123643.3 1040 HB27 AtHB27; homeobox protein 27; MJB21.16; MJB21_16; ZHD13; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 13 834288 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 27 (HB27), mRNA. NM_180620 NM_180620.3 1401 KNAT6 F26F24.32; F26F24_32; KNAT6L; KNAT6S; KNOTTED1-like homeobox gene 6 838946 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein knotted-1-like 6 (KNAT6), mRNA. NM_110988 NM_110988.3 1397 HB20 ATHB20; homeobox protein 20; T4P13.9; T4P13_9 821232 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 20 (HB20), mRNA. NM_120460 NM_120460.5 1169 HB51 ATHB51; homeobox 51; LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY1; LMI1 831723 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 51 (HB51), mRNA. NM_103605 NM_103605.7 1367 WOX4 F2G19.11; F2G19_11; WUSCHEL related homeobox 4 841113 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 4 (WOX4), mRNA. NM_202097 NM_202097.1 1311 HB31 AtHB31; F14L17.21; F14L17_21; FLORAL TRANSITION AT THE MERISTEM2; FTM2; homeobox protein 31; ZHD4; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 4 838006 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 31 (HB31), mRNA. NM_001342901 NM_001342901.1 1838 HAT14 homeobox from Arabidopsis thaliana; MPH15.6; MPH15_6 830560 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox leucine zipper protein (HAT14), mRNA. NM_101311 NM_101311.6 2076 HB31 AtHB31; F14L17.21; F14L17_21; FLORAL TRANSITION AT THE MERISTEM2; FTM2; homeobox protein 31; ZHD4; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 4 838006 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 31 (HB31), mRNA. NM_121787 NM_121787.3 1110 WOX12 MVA3.17; MVA3_17; WUSCHEL related homeobox 12 831649 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 12 (WOX12), mRNA. NM_124777 NM_124777.5 984 HB52 ATHB52; homeobox protein 52; K19P17.15; K19P17_15 835481 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 52 (HB52), mRNA. NM_125325 NM_125325.3 1276 WOX2 MNC17.25; MNC17_25; WUSCHEL related homeobox 2 836053 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 2 (WOX2), mRNA. NM_111237 NM_111237.3 1105 WOX11 T12J13.6; T12J13_6; WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 821196 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 (WOX11), mRNA. NM_001125091 NM_001125091.2 1310 WOX11 T12J13.6; T12J13_6; WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 821196 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 (WOX11), mRNA. NM_112682 NM_112682.4 1745 WOX1 WUSCHEL related homeobox 1 821325 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 1 (WOX1), mRNA. NM_104977 NM_104977.3 1521 KNAT7 F16P17.16; F16P17_16; IRREGULAR XYLEM 11; IRX11; IXR11; KNOTTED-like homeobox of Arabidopsis thaliana 7; TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR KNAT7 842602 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox knotted-like protein (KNAT7), mRNA. NM_123338 NM_123338.3 1511 HB23 AtHB23; homeobox protein 23; MKM21.8; MKM21_8; ZHD10; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 10 833972 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 23 (HB23), mRNA. NM_001333264 NM_001333264.1 1443 WOX4 F2G19.11; F2G19_11; WUSCHEL related homeobox 4 841113 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 4 (WOX4), mRNA. NM_001342900 NM_001342900.1 1960 HAT14 homeobox from Arabidopsis thaliana; MPH15.6; MPH15_6 830560 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox leucine zipper protein (HAT14), mRNA. NM_001343523 NM_001343523.1 1173 WOX12 MVA3.17; MVA3_17; WUSCHEL related homeobox 12 831649 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 12 (WOX12), mRNA. NM_106180 NM_106180.4 1708 HB33 AtHB33; F22H5.4; F22H5_4; homeobox protein 33; ZHD5; zinc-finger homeodomain 5 843861 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 33 (HB33), mRNA. NM_001337480 NM_001337480.1 2426 WOX11 T12J13.6; T12J13_6; WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 821196 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 (WOX11), mRNA. NM_001337479 NM_001337479.1 2513 WOX11 T12J13.6; T12J13_6; WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 821196 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 11 (WOX11), mRNA. NM_203014 NM_203014.3 1761 HAT14 homeobox from Arabidopsis thaliana; MPH15.6; MPH15_6 830560 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox leucine zipper protein (HAT14), mRNA. NM_121144 NM_121144.4 2531 KNAT4 KNOTTED1-like homeobox gene 4; T5K6.50; T5K6_50 830973 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein knotted-1-like 4 (KNAT4), mRNA. NM_113813 NM_113813.4 1529 HB34 AtHB34; homeobox protein 34; ZHD9; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 9 822527 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 34 (HB34), mRNA. NM_001198514 NM_001198514.1 2895 GL2 F19K16.20; F19K16_20; GLABRA 2; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN GLABRA 2 844323 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (GL2), mRNA. NM_001342125 NM_001342125.1 1717 KNAT5 F10N7.150; F10N7_150; KNOTTED1-like homeobox gene 5; TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 829335 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein knotted-1-like 5 (KNAT5), mRNA. NM_001342733 NM_001342733.1 1284 HB51 ATHB51; homeobox 51; LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY1; LMI1 831723 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox 51 (HB51), mRNA. NM_001037074 NM_001037074.2 1723 HB5 ATHB-5; ATHB5; homeobox protein 5; MNA5.4; MNA5_4 836656 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 5 (HB5), mRNA. NM_001334928 NM_001334928.1 1655 GL2 F19K16.20; F19K16_20; GLABRA 2; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN GLABRA 2 844323 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (GL2), partial mRNA. NM_129025 NM_129025.4 3146 PHB ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 14; ATHB-14; ATHB14; PHABULOSA; PHABULOSA 1D; PHB-1D; T29F13.8; T29F13_8 818036 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (PHB), mRNA. NM_001344703 NM_001344703.1 3087 HB-7 HDG5; homeobox-7; HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS 5; MQD22.1; MQD22_1 834733 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-7 (HB-7), mRNA. NM_106633 NM_106633.2 2472 GL2 F19K16.20; F19K16_20; GLABRA 2; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN GLABRA 2 844323 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (GL2), mRNA. NM_001344704 NM_001344704.1 3184 HB-7 HDG5; homeobox-7; HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS 5; MQD22.1; MQD22_1 834733 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-7 (HB-7), mRNA. NM_119838 NM_119838.3 974 HB40 AP22.8; AP22_8; ATHB40; HB-5; homeobox protein 40 829827 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 40 (HB40), mRNA. NM_124059 NM_124059.4 3242 HB-7 HDG5; homeobox-7; HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS 5; MQD22.1; MQD22_1 834733 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-7 (HB-7), mRNA. NM_001334929 NM_001334929.1 2232 GL2 F19K16.20; F19K16_20; GLABRA 2; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN GLABRA 2 844323 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (GL2), partial mRNA. NM_001334926 NM_001334926.1 2570 GL2 F19K16.20; F19K16_20; GLABRA 2; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN GLABRA 2 844323 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (GL2), partial mRNA. NM_001334927 NM_001334927.1 1988 GL2 F19K16.20; F19K16_20; GLABRA 2; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN GLABRA 2 844323 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (GL2), partial mRNA. NM_104916 NM_104916.4 1704 STM BUM; BUM1; BUMBERSHOOT; BUMBERSHOOT 1; F24O1.38; F24O1_38; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN SHOOTMERISTEMLESS; SHL; SHOOT MERISTEMLESS; SHOOTLESS; WALDMEISTER; WALDMEISTER 1; WAM; WAM1 842534 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana KNOX/ELK homeobox transcription factor (STM), mRNA. NM_119356 NM_119356.4 1662 KNAT5 F10N7.150; F10N7_150; KNOTTED1-like homeobox gene 5; TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 829335 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein knotted-1-like 5 (KNAT5), mRNA. NM_001342189 NM_001342189.1 2419 ATH1 F26P21.100; F26P21_100; homeobox gene 1 829435 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein ATH1 (ATH1), mRNA. NM_119941 NM_119941.4 1440 HAT22 HOMEOBOX PROTEIN; T28I19.70; T28I19_70 829935 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (HAT22), mRNA. NM_125929 NM_125929.3 1975 HB5 ATHB-5; ATHB5; homeobox protein 5; MNA5.4; MNA5_4 836656 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 5 (HB5), mRNA. NM_121525 NM_121525.4 1743 HB30 ATHB30; F8M21.100; F8M21_100; homeobox protein 30; ZFHD3; ZHD8; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 3; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 8 831373 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 30 (HB30), mRNA. NM_001342415 NM_001342415.1 804 HB40 AP22.8; AP22_8; ATHB40; HB-5; homeobox protein 40 829827 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 40 (HB40), mRNA. NM_119452 NM_119452.4 2429 ATH1 F26P21.100; F26P21_100; homeobox gene 1 829435 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein ATH1 (ATH1), mRNA. NM_102610 NM_102610.4 5853 HB-1 F3M18.14; F3M18_14; homeobox-1; RINGLET 1; RLT1 839740 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-1 (HB-1), mRNA. NM_117849 NM_117849.4 1444 HAT1 DL4765W; FCAALL.65; HOMEOBOX PROTEIN; JAB; JAIBA 827457 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein 4 (HB-4) / HD-ZIP protein (HAT1), mRNA. NM_116884 NM_116884.4 2016 KNAT1 BP; BP1; BREVIPEDICELLUS; BREVIPEDICELLUS 1; F9M13.2; F9M13_2; KNOTTED-like from Arabidopsis thaliana; KNOTTED-LIKE HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 826364 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox knotted-like protein (KNAT1), mRNA. NM_120171 NM_120171.3 1638 HB16 ATHB-16; ATHB16; homeobox protein 16; T5J17.230; T5J17_230 830169 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 16 (HB16), mRNA. NM_119720 NM_119720.4 1384 WOX13 ATWOX13; F8D20.60; F8D20_60; HB-4; WUSCHEL related homeobox 13 829707 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana WUSCHEL related homeobox 13 (WOX13), mRNA. NM_119441 NM_119441.5 3161 HB-8 ATHB-8; ATHB8; homeobox gene 8; T16I18.90; T16I18_90 829424 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein ATHB-8 (HB-8), mRNA. NM_102467 NM_102467.6 979 ATHB54; homeobox protein 54; T7N9.11; T7N9_11 839594 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox leucine zipper protein (AT1G27050), mRNA. NM_128422 NM_128422.3 1146 PRS PRESSED FLOWER; PRESSED FLOWER 1; PRS1; T8O18.10; T8O18_10; WOX3; WUSCHEL RELATED HOMEOBOX 3 817410 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (PRS), mRNA. NM_127808 NM_127808.3 1651 HB6 ATHB6; F14M13.17; F14M13_17; homeobox protein 6 816775 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein 6 (HB6), mRNA. NM_105628 NM_105628.2 1391 ZFHD1 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 29; ATHB29; F24J1.29; F24J1_29; ZHD11; zinc finger homeodomain 1; zinc finger homeodomain 1; ZINC FINGER HOMEODOMAIN 11 843296 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana zinc finger homeodomain 1 (ZFHD1), mRNA. NM_126211 NM_126211.2 1367 PFS2 F2I9.12; F2I9_12; HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENE 9; HOS9; PRETTY FEW SEEDS 2; WOX6; WUSCHEL RELATED HOMEOBOX 6 814678 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (PFS2), mRNA. NM_127845 NM_127845.4 1311 HAT9 T30L20.6; TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR HAT9 816811 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (HAT9), mRNA. NM_105719 NM_105719.5 1816 KNAT2 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA KN 1; ATK1; F24J13.8; F24J13_8; KNOTTED-like from Arabidopsis thaliana 2 843388 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox knotted-like protein (KNAT2), mRNA. NM_001332443 NM_001332443.1 612 F14O10.15; F14O10_15 838616 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein-like protein (AT1G20280), mRNA. NM_104801 NM_104801.2 595 F11P17.8; F11P17_8 842413 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-leucine zipper protein-like protein (AT1G61200), mRNA. NM_001334459 NM_001334459.1 1380 KNAT2 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA KN 1; ATK1; F24J13.8; F24J13_8; KNOTTED-like from Arabidopsis thaliana 2 843388 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox knotted-like protein (KNAT2), mRNA. NM_001340418 NM_001340418.1 3318 AtNDX; NDX; Nodulin Homeobox; T4I9.3; T4I9_3 828094 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor ATNDX (AT4G03090), mRNA. NM_105646 NM_105646.3 1579 ATHB13 HOMEODOMAIN LEUCINE-ZIPPER PROTEIN ATHB13; T6C23.2; T6C23_2 843314 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein family (ATHB13), mRNA. NM_001340419 NM_001340419.1 3409 AtNDX; NDX; Nodulin Homeobox; T4I9.3; T4I9_3 828094 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor ATNDX (AT4G03090), mRNA. NM_001340421 NM_001340421.1 2937 AtNDX; NDX; Nodulin Homeobox; T4I9.3; T4I9_3 828094 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor ATNDX (AT4G03090), mRNA. NM_116543 NM_116543.6 3233 AtNDX; NDX; Nodulin Homeobox; T4I9.3; T4I9_3 828094 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor ATNDX (AT4G03090), mRNA. NM_124108 NM_124108.3 1423 HAT2 MQL5.23; MQL5_23 834784 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper protein 4 (HB-4) / HD-ZIP protein (HAT2), mRNA. NM_001340420 NM_001340420.1 3275 AtNDX; NDX; Nodulin Homeobox; T4I9.3; T4I9_3 828094 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor ATNDX (AT4G03090), mRNA. NM_001198406 NM_001198406.1 981 F1O19.9; F1O19_9 843023 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox Hox-B3-like protein (AT1G67035), mRNA. NM_106082 NM_106082.2 1146 F1O17.11; F1O17_11 843762 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox-like protein (AT1G74220), mRNA. NM_123506 NM_123506.3 2631 BEL1 BELL 1; MYC6.12; MYC6_12 834143 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana POX (plant homeobox) family protein (BEL1), mRNA. NM_105373 NM_105373.2 675 F1O19.9; F1O19_9 843023 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox Hox-B3-like protein (AT1G67035), partial mRNA. NM_125282 NM_125282.2 830 K19M22.6; K19M22_6 836009 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox prospero protein (AT5G58920), mRNA. NM_001341659 NM_001341659.1 620 828528 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein (AT4G24265), mRNA. NM_001341658 NM_001341658.1 693 828528 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein (AT4G24265), mRNA. NM_123191 NM_123191.3 1162 MSI17.3; MSI17_3 833812 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox Hox-B3-like protein (AT5G38300), mRNA. NM_001084233 NM_001084233.2 3618 ATHB-15 ATHB15; CNA; CORONA; F5F19.21; F5F19_21; ICU4; INCURVATA 4 841645 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ATHB-15), mRNA. NM_120281 NM_120281.3 2168 RPL BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 9; BELLRINGER; BLH9; BLR; HB-6; LARSON; LSN; PENNYWISE; PNY; REPLUMLESS; T7H20.80; T7H20_80; VAAMANA; VAN 831745 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana POX (plant homeobox) family protein (RPL), mRNA. NM_179464 NM_179464.1 3433 ATHB-15 ATHB15; CNA; CORONA; F5F19.21; F5F19_21; ICU4; INCURVATA 4 841645 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ATHB-15), mRNA. NM_104096 NM_104096.3 3539 ATHB-15 ATHB15; CNA; CORONA; F5F19.21; F5F19_21; ICU4; INCURVATA 4 841645 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ATHB-15), mRNA. NM_148370 NM_148370.3 609 828528 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein (AT4G24265), mRNA. NM_102785 NM_102785.5 3079 PHV ATHB9; F26G16.11; F26G16_11; PHAVOLUTA 839928 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (PHV), mRNA. NM_116960 NM_116960.4 968 T3H13.6; T3H13_6 826469 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox protein (AT4G08910), mRNA. NM_001341511 NM_001341511.1 3323 ATML1 F17L22.210; F17L22_210; MERISTEM LAYER 1 828263 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ATML1), mRNA. NM_001341510 NM_001341510.1 3972 ATML1 F17L22.210; F17L22_210; MERISTEM LAYER 1 828263 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ATML1), mRNA. NM_118295 NM_118295.7 3073 ATML1 F17L22.210; F17L22_210; MERISTEM LAYER 1 828263 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ATML1), mRNA. NM_001036615 NM_001036615.3 3351 ATML1 F17L22.210; F17L22_210; MERISTEM LAYER 1 828263 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ATML1), mRNA. NM_125462 NM_125462.4 3544 REV HOMEODOMAIN-LEUCINE ZIPPER PROTEIN; HOMEODOMAIN-LEUCINE ZIPPER PROTEIN IFL1; IFL; IFL1; INTERFASCICULAR FIBERLESS; INTERFASCICULAR FIBERLESS 1; MUP24.16; MUP24_16; REVOLUTA 836190 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (REV), mRNA. NM_001125435 NM_001125435.1 3287 ANL2 AHDP; ANTHOCYANINLESS 2; ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN; F6N23.10; F6N23_10; HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN AHDP 828022 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ANL2), mRNA. NM_116298 NM_116298.4 3398 ANL2 AHDP; ANTHOCYANINLESS 2; ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN; F6N23.10; F6N23_10; HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN AHDP 828022 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox-leucine zipper family protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein (ANL2), mRNA. NM_128358 NM_128358.3 2123 BLH8 BEL1-like homeodomain 8; PNF; POUND-FOOLISH; T1E2.9; T1E2_9 817343 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 8 (BLH8), mRNA. NM_001202686 NM_001202686.2 1550 BLH5 BEL1-like homeodomain 5; T22O13.1; T22O13_1 817264 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 5 (BLH5), partial mRNA. NM_001336110 NM_001336110.1 1569 BLH5 BEL1-like homeodomain 5; T22O13.1; T22O13_1 817264 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 5 (BLH5), mRNA. NM_128796 NM_128796.3 2863 HDG3 homeodomain GLABROUS 3; T32F6.11; T32F6_11 817798 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 3 (HDG3), mRNA. NM_001036327 NM_001036327.2 2290 BLH4 BEL1-like homeodomain 4; F27L4.6; F27L4_6; SAW2; SAWTOOTH 2 816908 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 4 (BLH4), mRNA. NM_117880 NM_117880.3 2202 HDG4 DL4890C; FCAALL.102; homeodomain GLABROUS 4 827492 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 4 (HDG4), partial mRNA. NM_127939 NM_127939.3 2408 BLH4 BEL1-like homeodomain 4; F27L4.6; F27L4_6; SAW2; SAWTOOTH 2 816908 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 4 (BLH4), mRNA. NM_179713 NM_179713.3 2502 BLH4 BEL1-like homeodomain 4; F27L4.6; F27L4_6; SAW2; SAWTOOTH 2 816908 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 4 (BLH4), mRNA. NM_115979 NM_115979.5 3145 HDG1 HD-GL2-1; homeodomain GLABROUS 1; HOMEODOMAIN-GLABRA2 1 825287 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 1 (HDG1), mRNA. NM_001197982 NM_001197982.1 2974 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), mRNA. NM_101655 NM_101655.3 3195 HDG12 F2H15.14; F2H15_14; homeodomain GLABROUS 12 838371 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 12 (HDG12), mRNA. NM_127349 NM_127349.4 1248 WUS PGA6; T27K22.18; T27K22_18; WUS1; WUSCHEL; WUSCHEL 1 816305 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (WUS), mRNA. NM_001344986 NM_001344986.1 4931 HDG7 F17P19.7; F17P19_7; homeodomain GLABROUS 7 835293 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 7 (HDG7), mRNA. NM_105996 NM_105996.4 3506 HDG11 AtEDT1; ATHDG11; EDT1; ENHANCED DROUGHT TOLERANCE 1; homeodomain GLABROUS 11; HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS 11; T9L24.43; T9L24_43 843671 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 11 (HDG11), mRNA. NM_001123759 NM_001123759.1 2678 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), mRNA. NM_179265 NM_179265.2 2983 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), mRNA. NM_100402 NM_100402.3 3520 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), mRNA. NM_106197 NM_106197.3 1194 BLH11 BEL1-like homeodomain 11; F1B16.4; F1B16_4 843879 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 11 (BLH11), mRNA. NM_001198111 NM_001198111.2 2320 BEL10 BEL1-like homeodomain 10; BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 10; BLH10; F14P1.20; F14P1_20 838558 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 10 (BEL10), mRNA. NM_127194 NM_127194.4 2224 BLH7 BEL1-like homeodomain 7; F16F14.10; F16F14_10 816137 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 7 (BLH7), mRNA. NM_103188 NM_103188.3 2199 HDG10 F21H2.11; F21H2_11; homeodomain GLABROUS 10 840369 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 10 (HDG10), mRNA. NM_001332403 NM_001332403.1 1973 BEL10 BEL1-like homeodomain 10; BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 10; BLH10; F14P1.20; F14P1_20 838558 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 10 (BEL10), mRNA. NM_001084358 NM_001084358.2 2565 BLH3 BEL1-like homeodomain 3; F1B16.6; F1B16_6 843877 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 3 (BLH3), mRNA. NM_106195 NM_106195.5 2270 BLH3 BEL1-like homeodomain 3; F1B16.6; F1B16_6 843877 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 3 (BLH3), mRNA. NM_121738 NM_121738.2 2398 HDG9 homeodomain GLABROUS 9; MKP11.28; MKP11_28 831598 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 9 (HDG9), partial mRNA. NM_179925 NM_179925.3 2651 BLH1 BEL1-like homeodomain 1; EDA29; embryo sac development arrest 29; F11F19.15; F11F19_15 818167 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 1 (BLH1), mRNA. NM_101826 NM_101826.3 2281 BEL10 BEL1-like homeodomain 10; BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 10; BLH10; F14P1.20; F14P1_20 838558 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 10 (BEL10), mRNA. NM_116727 NM_116727.4 3286 PDF2 protodermal factor 2; T1J1.3; T1J1_3 825828 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana protodermal factor 2 (PDF2), mRNA. NM_001036413 NM_001036413.3 2992 BLH1 BEL1-like homeodomain 1; EDA29; embryo sac development arrest 29; F11F19.15; F11F19_15 818167 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 1 (BLH1), mRNA. NM_129153 NM_129153.3 2777 BLH1 BEL1-like homeodomain 1; EDA29; embryo sac development arrest 29; F11F19.15; F11F19_15 818167 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 1 (BLH1), mRNA. NM_128280 NM_128280.3 1562 BLH5 BEL1-like homeodomain 5; T22O13.1; T22O13_1 817264 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 5 (BLH5), mRNA. NM_001335865 NM_001335865.1 2444 BLH4 BEL1-like homeodomain 4; F27L4.6; F27L4_6; SAW2; SAWTOOTH 2 816908 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 4 (BLH4), mRNA. NM_111196 NM_111196.2 2345 HDG8 homeodomain GLABROUS 8; T17B22.5; T17B22_5 821305 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 8 (HDG8), mRNA. NM_001344653 NM_001344653.1 413 MCL19.5; MCL19_5 834641 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (AT5G46010), mRNA. NM_001334686 NM_001334686.1 2336 BLH3 BEL1-like homeodomain 3; F1B16.6; F1B16_6 843877 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 3 (BLH3), mRNA. NM_119851 NM_119851.6 2655 BLH2 AP22.90; AP22_90; BEL1-like homeodomain 2; SAW1; SAWTOOTH 1 829840 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 2 (BLH2), mRNA. NM_001036720 NM_001036720.5 2833 BLH2 AP22.90; AP22_90; BEL1-like homeodomain 2; SAW1; SAWTOOTH 1 829840 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 2 (BLH2), mRNA. NM_001125644 NM_001125644.1 2066 BLH6 BEL1-like homeodomain 6; T4L20.190; T4L20_190 829613 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 6 (BLH6), mRNA. NM_119627 NM_119627.4 2451 BLH6 BEL1-like homeodomain 6; T4L20.190; T4L20_190 829613 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 6 (BLH6), mRNA. NM_001332404 NM_001332404.1 2104 BEL10 BEL1-like homeodomain 10; BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 10; BLH10; F14P1.20; F14P1_20 838558 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 10 (BEL10), mRNA. NM_001332324 NM_001332324.1 2927 HDG12 F2H15.14; F2H15_14; homeodomain GLABROUS 12 838371 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 12 (HDG12), mRNA. NM_001160880 NM_001160880.2 2203 BEL10 BEL1-like homeodomain 10; BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 10; BLH10; F14P1.20; F14P1_20 838558 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 10 (BEL10), mRNA. NM_001337463 NM_001337463.1 2530 HDG8 homeodomain GLABROUS 8; T17B22.5; T17B22_5 821305 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 8 (HDG8), mRNA. NM_001344987 NM_001344987.1 3899 HDG7 F17P19.7; F17P19_7; homeodomain GLABROUS 7 835293 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 7 (HDG7), mRNA. NM_124596 NM_124596.2 3692 HDG7 F17P19.7; F17P19_7; homeodomain GLABROUS 7 835293 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 7 (HDG7), partial mRNA. NM_001331530 NM_001331530.1 2134 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001331529 NM_001331529.1 2424 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001331528 NM_001331528.1 2557 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001331535 NM_001331535.1 3140 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001331534 NM_001331534.1 3231 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001331533 NM_001331533.1 3526 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001331532 NM_001331532.1 3553 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001331531 NM_001331531.1 3644 HDG2 homeodomain GLABROUS 2; YUP8H12.16; YUP8H12_16 839256 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain GLABROUS 2 (HDG2), partial mRNA. NM_001342427 NM_001342427.1 2293 BLH2 AP22.90; AP22_90; BEL1-like homeodomain 2; SAW1; SAWTOOTH 1 829840 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 2 (BLH2), mRNA. NM_001342296 NM_001342296.1 2138 BLH6 BEL1-like homeodomain 6; T4L20.190; T4L20_190 829613 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 6 (BLH6), mRNA. NM_001342295 NM_001342295.1 2663 BLH6 BEL1-like homeodomain 6; T4L20.190; T4L20_190 829613 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 6 (BLH6), mRNA. NM_116563 NM_116563.3 1990 F4C21.18; F4C21_18 827999 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (AT4G03250), mRNA. NM_001203541 NM_001203541.1 4663 RLT2 MLN1.10; MLN1_10; RINGLET 2 834441 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like transcriptional regulator (RLT2), partial mRNA. NM_118685 NM_118685.3 2469 FWA FLOWERING WAGENINGEN; HDG6; HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS 6; M7J2.100; M7J2_100 828658 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana FLOWERING WAGENINGEN (FWA), mRNA. NM_001344536 NM_001344536.1 6096 RLT2 MLN1.10; MLN1_10; RINGLET 2 834441 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like transcriptional regulator (RLT2), mRNA. NM_001336138 NM_001336138.1 2219 BLH8 BEL1-like homeodomain 8; PNF; POUND-FOOLISH; T1E2.9; T1E2_9 817343 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BEL1-like homeodomain 8 (BLH8), mRNA. NM_001334180 NM_001334180.1 909 F13O11.33; F13O11_33 28717398 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana DNA binding / transcription factor (AT1G64800), mRNA. NM_001336795 NM_001336795.1 1757 BPM3 ATBPM3; T5I7.6; T5I7_6 818561 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB/POZ/MATH-domains containing protein (BPM3), mRNA. NM_001336796 NM_001336796.1 1577 BPM3 ATBPM3; T5I7.6; T5I7_6 818561 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB/POZ/MATH-domains containing protein (BPM3), mRNA. NM_001036172 NM_001036172.2 385 CLE8 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 8 3767662 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 8 (CLE8), partial mRNA. NM_001084091 NM_001084091.2 648 MIF3 mini zinc finger; mini zinc finger 3 5007704 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana mini zinc finger (MIF3), mRNA. NM_001202994 NM_001202994.1 1445 SHH2 DNA-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 2; DTF2; SAWADEE homeodomain homolog 2 821367 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana DNA-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 2 (SHH2), mRNA. NM_202644 NM_202644.2 1106 MIF2 mini zinc finger 2 2745896 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana mini zinc finger 2 (MIF2), mRNA. NM_001036439 NM_001036439.2 1706 BPM3 ATBPM3; T5I7.6; T5I7_6 818561 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB/POZ/MATH-domains containing protein (BPM3), mRNA. NM_106124 NM_106124.2 935 MIF1 F1M20.34; F1M20_34; mini zinc finger 1 843805 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana mini zinc finger 1 (MIF1), mRNA. NM_126086 NM_126086.7 1894 ASL1 ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 2-like 1; LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN GENE 36; LBD36; MUD21.13; MUD21_13 836821 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 2-like 1 (ASL1), mRNA. NM_001337639 NM_001337639.1 1995 BPM2 ATBPM2; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 2; F28L1.13; F28L1_13 819793 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2 (BPM2), mRNA. NM_001337638 NM_001337638.1 2331 BPM2 ATBPM2; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 2; F28L1.13; F28L1_13 819793 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2 (BPM2), mRNA. NM_202604 NM_202604.3 1558 SHH2 DNA-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 2; DTF2; SAWADEE homeodomain homolog 2 821367 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana DNA-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 2 (SHH2), mRNA. NM_112723 NM_112723.3 1486 SHH2 DNA-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 2; DTF2; SAWADEE homeodomain homolog 2 821367 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana DNA-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 2 (SHH2), mRNA. NM_001339104 NM_001339104.1 1816 BPM6 ATBPM6; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 6; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 6 823478 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 6 (BPM6), mRNA. NM_001339103 NM_001339103.1 1911 BPM6 ATBPM6; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 6; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 6 823478 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 6 (BPM6), mRNA. NM_129534 NM_129534.4 1708 BPM3 ATBPM3; T5I7.6; T5I7_6 818561 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB/POZ/MATH-domains containing protein (BPM3), mRNA. NM_001337640 NM_001337640.1 1942 BPM2 ATBPM2; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 2; F28L1.13; F28L1_13 819793 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2 (BPM2), mRNA. NM_001343580 NM_001343580.1 1743 BPM1 ATBPM1; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 1; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 1; T16G12.40; T16G12_40 832018 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 1 (BPM1), mRNA. NM_121165 NM_121165.4 1509 OCP3 F2I11.160; F2I11_160; overexpressor of cationic peroxidase 3 830997 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana overexpressor of cationic peroxidase 3 (OCP3), mRNA. NM_001203405 NM_001203405.1 1705 BPM1 ATBPM1; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 1; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 1; T16G12.40; T16G12_40 832018 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 1 (BPM1), mRNA. NM_202507 NM_202507.1 1512 BPM2 ATBPM2; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 2; F28L1.13; F28L1_13 819793 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2 (BPM2), mRNA. NM_001203731 NM_001203731.2 3123 LD luminidependens; T10P11.15; T10P11_15 827904 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (LD), mRNA. NM_001340517 NM_001340517.1 3178 PDF2 protodermal factor 2; T1J1.3; T1J1_3 825828 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana protodermal factor 2 (PDF2), mRNA. NM_114238 NM_114238.3 1827 BPM6 ATBPM6; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 6; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 6 823478 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 6 (BPM6), mRNA. NM_112838 NM_112838.4 2781 HAT3.1 821485 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like protein with RING/FYVE/PHD-type zinc finger domain-containing protein (HAT3.1), mRNA. NM_122109 NM_122109.4 1671 BPM5 ATBPM5; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 5; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 5; T10F18.30; T10F18_30 832225 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 5 (BPM5), mRNA. NM_116490 NM_116490.4 3281 LD luminidependens; T10P11.15; T10P11_15 827904 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (LD), mRNA. NM_111494 NM_111494.3 2000 BPM2 ATBPM2; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 2; F28L1.13; F28L1_13 819793 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 2 (BPM2), mRNA. NM_111245 NM_111245.3 3489 BPM4 ATBPM4; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 4; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 4; F20H23.23; F20H23_23 821170 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 4 (BPM4), mRNA. NM_121905 NM_121905.3 1856 BPM1 ATBPM1; BTB-POZ and MATH domain 1; BTB-POZ AND MATH DOMAIN 1; T16G12.40; T16G12_40 832018 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana BTB-POZ and MATH domain 1 (BPM1), mRNA. NM_001340802 NM_001340802.1 3976 T20K18.100; T20K18_100 826887 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana Homeodomain-like transcriptional regulator (AT4G12750), mRNA. NM_001203938 NM_001203938.2 2841 PRHA F27B13.180; F27B13_180; HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN; pathogenesis related homeodomain protein A; pathogenesis related homeodomain protein A 829117 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana pathogenesis related homeodomain protein A (PRHA), mRNA. NM_119140 NM_119140.2 2897 PRHA F27B13.180; F27B13_180; HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN; pathogenesis related homeodomain protein A; pathogenesis related homeodomain protein A 829117 RefSeq Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) Arabidopsis thaliana pathogenesis related homeodomain protein A (PRHA), mRNA.