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2024-09-28 09:30:08, GGRNA.v2 : RefSeq release 225 (Jul, 2024)

LOCUS       NM_175342               1653 bp    mRNA    linear   ROD 04-AUG-2023
DEFINITION  Mus musculus cytoplasmic polyadenylated homeobox 1 (Cphx1), mRNA.
VERSION     NM_175342.3
KEYWORDS    RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE      Mus musculus (house mouse)
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1653)
  AUTHORS   Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K,
            Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre
            A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JLR, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt
            AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,
            Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S,
            Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L and Jones AR.
  TITLE     A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the
            developing mouse brain
  JOURNAL   Neuron 83 (2), 309-323 (2014)
   PUBMED   24952961
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1653)
  AUTHORS   Guo G, Huss M, Tong GQ, Wang C, Li Sun L, Clarke ND and Robson P.
  TITLE     Resolution of cell fate decisions revealed by single-cell gene
            expression analysis from zygote to blastocyst
  JOURNAL   Dev Cell 18 (4), 675-685 (2010)
   PUBMED   20412781
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1653)
  AUTHORS   Yokoyama S, Ito Y, Ueno-Kudoh H, Shimizu H, Uchibe K, Albini S,
            Mitsuoka K, Miyaki S, Kiso M, Nagai A, Hikata T, Osada T, Fukuda N,
            Yamashita S, Harada D, Mezzano V, Kasai M, Puri PL, Hayashizaki Y,
            Okado H, Hashimoto M and Asahara H.
  TITLE     A systems approach reveals that the myogenesis genome network is
            regulated by the transcriptional repressor RP58
  JOURNAL   Dev Cell 17 (6), 836-848 (2009)
   PUBMED   20059953
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 1653)
  AUTHORS   Joshi S, Davies H, Sims LP, Levy SE and Dean J.
  TITLE     Ovarian gene expression in the absence of FIGLA, an oocyte-specific
            transcription factor
  JOURNAL   BMC Dev Biol 7, 67 (2007)
   PUBMED   17567914
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1 to 1653)
  AUTHORS   Evsikov AV, Graber JH, Brockman JM, Hampl A, Holbrook AE, Singh P,
            Eppig JJ, Solter D and Knowles BB.
  TITLE     Cracking the egg: molecular dynamics and evolutionary aspects of
            the transition from the fully grown oocyte to embryo
  JOURNAL   Genes Dev 20 (19), 2713-2727 (2006)
   PUBMED   17015433
REFERENCE   6  (bases 1 to 1653)
  AUTHORS   Li H, Tsai MS, Chen CY, Lian WC, Chiu YT, Chen GD and Wang SH.
  TITLE     A novel maternally transcribed homeobox gene, Eso-1, is
            preferentially expressed in oocytes and regulated by cytoplasmic
  JOURNAL   Mol Reprod Dev 73 (7), 825-833 (2006)
   PUBMED   16596637
  REMARK    GeneRIF: A novel homeobox-containing gene, Eso-1, which is
            preferentially expressed in ES cells and ovaries, was identified;
            findings suggest that the novel homeodomain protein, Eso-1, plays a
            role during oocyte maturation and early embryonic development
COMMENT     VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
            preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
            On Apr 5, 2007 this sequence version replaced NM_175342.2.
            Transcript exon combination :: AK049114.1, DQ224405.1 [ECO:0000332]
            RNAseq introns              :: single sample supports all introns
                                           SAMN01164134 [ECO:0000348]
            RefSeq Select criteria :: based on conservation, expression,
                                      longest protein
            1-1653              AK049114.1         2-1654
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1653
                     /organism="Mus musculus"
                     /map="14 15.53 cM"
     gene            1..1653
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
                     /note="cytoplasmic polyadenylated homeobox 1"
     exon            1..57
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
     CDS             45..593
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
                     /note="cytoplasmic polyadenylated homeobox 2; cytoplasmic
                     polyadenylated homeobox 3"
                     /product="cytoplasmic polyadenylated homeobox 1"
     misc_feature    129..290
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
                     /note="Homeodomain; DNA binding domains involved in the
                     transcriptional regulation of key eukaryotic developmental
                     processes; may bind to DNA as monomers or as homo- and/or
                     heterodimers, in a sequence-specific manner; Region:
                     homeodomain; cd00086"
     misc_feature    order(129..140,144..146,195..197,213..215,252..254,
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
                     /note="DNA binding site [nucleotide binding]"
     misc_feature    order(132..134,141..143,261..263,270..275,282..284)
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
                     /note="specific DNA base contacts [nucleotide binding];
                     other site"
     exon            58..260
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
     exon            261..377
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
     exon            378..1653
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
     regulatory      1634..1639
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"
     polyA_site      1653
                     /gene_synonym="C330003B14Rik; Cphx; Cphx2; Cphx3; Eso-1;
                     Gm2104; Gm2135"

by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]