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2024-09-28 09:30:07, GGRNA.v2 : RefSeq release 225 (Jul, 2024)

LOCUS       NM_009370               5713 bp    mRNA    linear   ROD 26-JUN-2024
DEFINITION  Mus musculus transforming growth factor, beta receptor I (Tgfbr1),
            transcript variant 1, mRNA.
ACCESSION   NM_009370 XM_977763 XM_977795 XM_988573 XM_988612
VERSION     NM_009370.4
KEYWORDS    RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE      Mus musculus (house mouse)
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Zhang,M., Guo,T., Pei,F., Feng,J., Jing,J., Xu,J., Yamada,T.,
            Ho,T.V., Du,J., Sehgal,P. and Chai,Y.
  TITLE     ARID1B maintains mesenchymal stem cell quiescence via inhibition of
            BCL11B-mediated non-canonical Activin signaling
  JOURNAL   Nat Commun 15 (1), 4614 (2024)
   PUBMED   38816354
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Cai,Y., Zhou,Y., Yang,Q., Xu,J., Da,Q., Ma,Q., Zhao,D., Lu,T.,
            Kim,H.W., Fulton,D., Jiang,X., Weintraub,N.L., Dong,K., Xu,S.,
            Hong,M., Liu,Z. and Huo,Y.
  TITLE     Blockade of endothelial adenosine receptor 2A suppresses
            atherosclerosis in vivo through inhibiting CREB-ALK5-mediated
            endothelial to mesenchymal transition
  JOURNAL   Pharmacol Res 203, 107156 (2024)
   PUBMED   38522762
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Blockade of endothelial adenosine receptor 2 A suppresses
            atherosclerosis in vivo through inhibiting CREB-ALK5-mediated
            endothelial to mesenchymal transition.
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Mohamed,F.E.Z.A., Dewidar,B., Lin,T., Ebert,M.P., Dooley,S.,
            Meindl-Beinker,N.M. and Hammad,S.
  TITLE     TGFbetaR1 inhibition drives hepatocellular carcinoma proliferation
            through induction of toll-like-receptor signalling
  JOURNAL   Int J Exp Pathol 105 (2), 64-74 (2024)
   PUBMED   38328944
  REMARK    GeneRIF: TGFbetaR1 inhibition drives hepatocellular carcinoma
            proliferation through induction of toll-like-receptor signalling.
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Lozovska,A., Korovesi,A.G., Dias,A., Lopes,A., Fowler,D.A.,
            Martins,G.G., Novoa,A. and Mallo,M.
  TITLE     Tgfbr1 controls developmental plasticity between the hindlimb and
            external genitalia by remodeling their regulatory landscape
  JOURNAL   Nat Commun 15 (1), 2509 (2024)
   PUBMED   38509075
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Tgfbr1 controls developmental plasticity between the
            hindlimb and external genitalia by remodeling their regulatory
            Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Bedolla,A.M., McKinsey,G.L., Ware,K., Santander,N., Arnold,T.D. and
  TITLE     A comparative evaluation of the strengths and potential caveats of
            the microglial inducible CreER mouse models
  JOURNAL   Cell Rep 43 (1), 113660 (2024)
   PUBMED   38217856
REFERENCE   6  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Iseki,S., Osumi-Yamashita,N., Miyazono,K., Franzen,P., Ichijo,H.,
            Ohtani,H., Hayashi,Y. and Eto,K.
  TITLE     Localization of transforming growth factor-beta type I and type II
            receptors in mouse development
  JOURNAL   Exp Cell Res 219 (2), 339-347 (1995)
   PUBMED   7641785
REFERENCE   7  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Roelen,B.A., Lin,H.Y., Knezevic,V., Freund,E. and Mummery,C.L.
  TITLE     Expression of TGF-beta s and their receptors during implantation
            and organogenesis of the mouse embryo
  JOURNAL   Dev Biol 166 (2), 716-728 (1994)
   PUBMED   7813789
REFERENCE   8  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   ten Dijke,P., Yamashita,H., Ichijo,H., Franzen,P., Laiho,M.,
            Miyazono,K. and Heldin,C.H.
  TITLE     Characterization of type I receptors for transforming growth
            factor-beta and activin
  JOURNAL   Science 264 (5155), 101-104 (1994)
   PUBMED   8140412
REFERENCE   9  (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Suzuki,A., Shioda,N., Maeda,T., Tada,M. and Ueno,N.
  TITLE     A mouse TGF-beta type I receptor that requires type II receptor for
            ligand binding
  JOURNAL   Biochem Biophys Res Commun 198 (3), 1063-1069 (1994)
   PUBMED   8117262
REFERENCE   10 (bases 1 to 5713)
  AUTHORS   Tomoda,T., Kudoh,T., Noma,T., Nakazawa,A., Muramatsu,M. and Arai,K.
  TITLE     Molecular cloning of a mouse counterpart for human TGF-beta type I
  JOURNAL   Biochem Biophys Res Commun 198 (3), 1054-1062 (1994)
   PUBMED   8117261
COMMENT     VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
            preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
            AL772232.18 and AL772150.11.
            On Oct 16, 2023 this sequence version replaced NM_009370.3.
            Summary: This gene encodes a member of the transforming growth
            factor beta (TGF-beta) receptor family of proteins. These proteins
            comprise one component of the TGF-beta signaling pathway, which
            transduces extracellular signals into gene expression changes to
            regulate a wide range of cellular responses, including
            proliferation, migration, differentiation and apoptosis. Homozygous
            knockout mice for this gene exhibit impaired angiogenesis and
            embryonic lethality. Alternative splicing results in multiple
            transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2015].
            Publication Note:  This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
            publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
            record to access additional publications.
            Transcript exon combination :: BC063260.1, SRR13862051.1748573.1
            RNAseq introns              :: single sample supports all introns
                                           SAMN00849374, SAMN00849375
            RefSeq Select criteria :: based on conservation, expression
            COMPLETENESS: complete on the 3' end.
            1-139               AL772232.18        138526-138664
            140-385             AL772150.11        13850-14095
            386-628             AL772150.11        23348-23590
            629-859             AL772150.11        26456-26686
            860-1027            AL772150.11        32904-33071
            1028-1184           AL772150.11        33471-33627
            1185-1309           AL772150.11        35630-35754
            1310-1440           AL772150.11        37023-37153
            1441-5713           AL772150.11        40753-45025
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..5713
                     /organism="Mus musculus"
                     /map="4 26.02 cM"
     gene            1..5713
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="transforming growth factor, beta receptor I"
     exon            1..139
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     CDS             55..1566
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript
                     variant 1; TGF-beta receptor type-1; TGF-beta receptor
                     type I; transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I"
                     /product="TGF-beta receptor type-1 isoform 1 precursor"
     sig_peptide     55..141
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /inference="COORDINATES: ab initio prediction:SignalP:6.0"
     mat_peptide     142..1563
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /product="TGF-beta receptor type-1. /id=PRO_0000024424"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1)"
     misc_feature    142..366
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="extracellular domain (ECD) found in activin
                     receptor-like kinase 5 (ALK-5) and similar proteins;
                     Region: TFP_LU_ECD_ALK5; cd23537"
     misc_feature    175..177
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1); glycosylation site"
     misc_feature    433..495
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1);
                     transmembrane region"
     misc_feature    547..549
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /evidence=ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P36897; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1); phosphorylation site"
     misc_feature    580..663
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="Transforming growth factor beta type I GS-motif;
                     Region: TGF_beta_GS; pfam08515"
     misc_feature    607..609
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="Phosphothreonine, by TGFBR2.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P36897; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1); phosphorylation site"
     misc_feature    610..612
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="Phosphothreonine, by TGFBR2.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P36897; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1); phosphorylation site"
     misc_feature    613..615
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="Phosphoserine, by TGFBR2.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P36897; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1); phosphorylation site"
     misc_feature    619..621
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="Phosphoserine, by TGFBR2.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P36897; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1); phosphorylation site"
     misc_feature    625..627
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="Phosphoserine, by TGFBR2.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P36897; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1); phosphorylation site"
     misc_feature    631..636
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64729.1);
                     Region: FKBP1A-binding"
     misc_feature    679..1542
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases,
                     Transforming Growth Factor beta Type I Receptor and
                     Activin Type IB/IC Receptors; Region:
                     STKc_TGFbR1_ACVR1b_ACVR1c; cd14143"
     misc_feature    order(685..699,709..711,742..744,748..750,832..834,
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="active site"
     misc_feature    order(685..705,709..711,742..744,748..750,892..897,
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="ATP binding site [chemical binding]; other site"
     misc_feature    order(697..699,913..915,919..921,1051..1053,1057..1059,
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="polypeptide substrate binding site [polypeptide
                     binding]; other site"
     misc_feature    order(778..783,790..795,802..807,847..849,853..855)
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="FKBP12 binding site [polypeptide binding]; other
     misc_feature    1102..1185
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="activation loop (A-loop); other site"
     exon            140..385
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     exon            386..628
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     exon            629..859
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     exon            860..1027
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     exon            1028..1184
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     exon            1185..1309
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     exon            1310..1440
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     exon            1441..5713
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
     regulatory      5692..5697
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="hexamer: AATAAA"
     polyA_site      5713
                     /gene_synonym="Alk-5; ALK5; ESK2; TbetaR-I; TbetaRI;
                     /note="major polyA site"

by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

If you use GGRNA in your work, please cite:
Naito Y, Bono H. (2012)
GGRNA: an ultrafast, transcript-oriented search engine for genes and transcripts.
Nucleic Acids Res., 40, W592-W596. [Full Text]